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    Title: 印尼對「一帶一路」倡議的回應:以雅加達-萬隆高鐵系統為案例研究
    Indonesia's Response to the ";One Belt One Road";Initiative: a Case Study Of The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway System
    Authors: 陳俊銘
    Chen, Chun-Ming
    Contributors: 黃瓊萩
    Huang, Chiung-Chiu
    Chen, Chun-Ming
    Keywords: 新發展主義
    New Developmentalism
    Jokowi Administration
    Belt and Road Initiative
    China-Japan Competition
    Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:30:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討印尼在國際因素及經濟利益驅動下,選擇與中國合作建設雅萬高速鐵路的決策過程及其影響,並分析印尼本土菁英和社會民眾對中國經濟外交的反應及態度。首先,本文將針對印尼選擇與中國合作建設雅萬鐵路的背景進行討論,包括地緣政治影響、國際經濟格局及印尼政府的發展目標。透過對合作決策的分析,探究印尼在面對國際競爭中的策略選擇,尤其是與中國合作在基礎設施投資中的角色和意圖。
    This study examines the decision-making process and impact of Indonesia's choice to cooperate with China in building the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, driven by international factors and economic interests, and analyzes the reactions and attitudes of Indonesian local elites and the general public towards China's economic diplomacy. Firstly, the paper will discuss the background of Indonesia's decision to cooperate with China on the Jakarta-Bandung railway, including geopolitical influences, the international economic landscape, and the development goals of the Indonesian government. Through the analysis of this cooperation decision, the study explores Indonesia's strategic choices in the face of international competition, particularly its role and intentions in infrastructure investment cooperation with China.

    Secondly, the paper will explore the views of Indonesian local elites and the general public on China's economic diplomacy, particularly regarding the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its impact on Indonesia's economy. The role of local elites in government decision-making reflects Indonesia's strategy and priorities in foreign cooperation, especially in balancing economic relations with other countries. On the other hand, the attitudes of the general public also carry significant implications, reflecting their perceptions and acceptance of Chinese investments and influence.

    The study finds that Indonesia's decision to cooperate with China in building the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, driven by international factors and economic interests, was mainly based on favorable loan conditions offered by China, which align with Indonesia's infrastructure development goals. Additionally, the attitudes of Indonesian local elites and the general public towards China's economic diplomacy are complex—while they value the economic benefits brought by the cooperation, they also express concerns about potential debt traps and the impact of Chinese workers, reflecting both expectations and concerns for Indonesia's economic development.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109922024
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