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    Title: 社群媒體回聲室對情感極化與分裂投票的影響
    The Impact of Social Media Echo Chambers on Affective Polarization and Straight/Split Voting Behavior
    Authors: 劉議琦
    Liu, Yi-Chi
    Contributors: 楊婉瑩
    Yang, Wan-Ying
    Liu, Yi-Chi
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    Social media
    Echo chamber
    Affective polarization
    Straight/Split voting
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:24:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社群媒體對當代社會政治生活已不可或缺,政治人物與政黨爭相以社群媒體進行選戰。當前社群媒體研究中,對存在的回聲室效應或可促進多元審議的兩派較無定論。究竟社群媒體如何能影響選民投票行為?選民使用社群媒體會導致何種投票行為差異?對此,本研究旨在檢驗台灣選民使用社群媒體存在的回聲室效應,尤其關注投票行為影響,並以選民一致分裂投票行為作為觀察標的,試圖驗證回聲室作用。
    Social media has played an important role in our political life. Many scholars debate whether social media has an echo chamber effect or facilitates democratic deliberation. How does social media influence voting behavior? This study examines the presence of social media echo chambers in Taiwan, focusing on their impact on voting behavior and using straight/split voting as a key measure.
    Using survey data from the 2020 Taiwanese general election, the results show that the echo chamber effect does exist. Voters who frequently use social media or are exposed to more homogeneous content tend to become more polarized. Furthermore, the results reveal that Taiwanese voters who use social media more often will favor straight-ticket voting, and this effect is completely mediated by their polarization toward parties or candidates. Overall, this study confirms the impact of social media echo chambers on not only voters' affective polarization but also their voting behavior.
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