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    Title: 我國工時豁免規定之探討—論勞動基準法第84條之1
    A Study on the Exemption of Working Hours in Taiwan: Focus on Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Act
    Authors: 鍾宜秀
    Chung, Yi-Hsiu
    Contributors: 成之約
    Chung, Yi-Hsiu
    Keywords: 工時豁免
    Working hour exemption
    Article 84-1 of the labor standards act
    Responsibility system
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:55:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著產業結構變遷與非典型工作蓬勃發展,傳統工時規範逐漸僵化,難以滿足特殊職業需求。為平衡勞工權益與企業運營效率,工時豁免制度應運而生,提供更為靈活的工時安排。然而,該制度的適用範圍與工作型態受到諸多討論,特別是關於其對勞工權益與工作彈性的影響。有鑑於此,本研究聚焦於我國工時豁免制度—勞動基準法第84條之1,深入探討該法的適用現況、影響及改進可能。




    With the transformation of industrial structures and the rise of atypical employment, traditional working hour regulations have become increasingly rigid, failing to meet the needs of certain professions. To balance labor rights with corporate operational efficiency, the working hour exemption system was introduced to enhance flexibility. However, its scope and implementation have sparked ongoing debates, particularly regarding their impact on labor rights and work arrangements. This study examines Taiwan’s working hour exemption system under Article 84-1, analyzing its application, impact, and potential improvements.

    This study reviews international practices and experiences from Germany, the United States, and Japan, analyzing their regulatory frameworks, application scopes, and implementation mechanisms to provide insights for Taiwan’s legal system. Through semi-structured in-depth interviews, it further explores the current application of Article 84-1, evaluating its impact on working conditions, physical and mental health, and compensation.

    Findings reveal challenges at the employee, employer, and institutional levels. Employees face system misuse, unclear overtime pay rules, and health risks from excessive work hours. Employers struggle with recruitment, regulatory misinterpretation, and low compliance. At the institutional level, transparency issues and inconsistent local enforcement weaken the system’s effectiveness.

    Drawing from international practices, this study identifies key strengths: Germany’s industry-specific exemptions through union negotiations, the U.S.'s EAP exemption protecting low-wage workers, and Japan’s health management measures mitigating the adverse effects of long working hours. In comparison, Taiwan’s Article 84-1 requires further refinement in its scope and enforcement to effectively address diverse industry and job-specific needs.

    This study provides recommendations for key stakeholders. For workers, it advocates for enhanced labor education and stronger collective agreements and labor-management meetings. Employers should refine compensation structures and prioritize employees’ health and work-life balance. For the government, recommended measures include setting clear review timelines, issuing principled guidelines, establishing a verification platform to reduce information asymmetry, and implementing salary and job-level thresholds. These initiatives aim to improve the system’s design and implementation, ensuring a balance between worker welfare and corporate efficiency.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻
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