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    Title: 保險業務員情緒勞動之探討
    Investigating the Emotional Labor of Insurance Solicitor
    Authors: 林家綺
    Lin, Chia Chi
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei Chun
    Lin, Chia Chi
    Keywords: 情緒勞動
    Emotional Labor
    Insurance Solicitor
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:55:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 保險是轉移人生各個階段所面臨的風險問題,需要透過第一線保險業務員不 斷地推廣及說明,客戶才能充分了解保險的功能與意義。因􏰀,保險業務員在銷 售時,除了提供專業的保單規劃及服務以外,同時也須付出高度的情緒勞動。而 過去針對保險業務員的相關研究,較多聚焦於人格特質、職能與績效、教育訓練、 契約關係等議題,對於保險業務員的情緒勞動篇幅較少,且國內對於保險業務員 情緒勞動的探討皆為量化研究為主,較難察覺保險業務員進行情緒勞動的實務經 驗與態樣。
    故本文藉由質性研究的方式,訪談 8 位保險業務員,嘗試透過受訪者實務經 驗的分享,整理分析出保險業務員情緒勞動的態樣以及影響情緒勞動的因素,例 如保險業務員不論是面對客戶、同事或團隊組織都需要表現􏰁面、積極的態度, 並抑制負面情緒的展現,而當內在真實情緒與外在情緒表達差距越大時,保險業 務員的情緒勞動負擔也就越高,導致保險業務員必須投入更多心力來調適自身的 情緒負荷,且在訪談中亦得出保險業務員會因專業信任、收入業績、團隊組織、 經驗累積、角色認同、個人特質等因素而有不同情緒勞動的展現。
    本研究意在深入了解保險業務員的情緒勞動態樣,以提升社會大眾的保險觀 念以及改善對業務員的刻板印象,並期待未來可投入更多研究探討及改善保險從 業人員的情緒勞動。
    Insurance is a mechanism to transfer the risks encountered at various stages of life. It requires continuous promotion and explanation by frontline insurance solicitor for clients to fully understand the functions and significance of insurance. Therefore, when selling insurance, agents not only need to provide professional policy planning and services but also engage in significant emotional labor.
    Previous studies on insurance agents have largely focused on topics such as personality traits, competencies and performance, training, and contractual relationships. However, research on the emotional labor of insurance agents has been relatively limited. Furthermore, domestic studies on this topic have primarily adopted quantitative approaches, which make it challenging to capture the practical experiences and patterns of emotional labor in the field.
    To address this gap, this study adopts a qualitative research approach, interviewing eight insurance agents. Through sharing their practical experiences, the study analyzes the patterns of emotional labor among insurance agents and the factors influencing it. For instance, insurance agents need to maintain a positive and proactive attitude when dealing with clients, colleagues, or team organizations while suppressing the display of negative emotions. The greater the disparity between their genuine inner emotions and the emotions they express externally, the higher the burden of emotional labor. Consequently, agents must exert greater effort to adjust their emotional state. The interviews also revealed that factors such as professional trust, income performance, team dynamics, accumulated experience, role identification, and individual characteristics influence how emotional labor is manifested.
    This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the emotional labor patterns of insurance agents to enhance public perceptions of insurance and reduce stereotypes about agents. The author also hopes to encourage further research and initiatives to improve the emotional labor experience of insurance professionals.
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