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Title: | 當年輕世代遇見政治假訊息:辨偽與行動策略研析 When Young Generation Encounters Political Disinformation: An Analysis of Verification and Effective Responses |
Authors: | 連芸澤 Lien, Yun-Ze |
Contributors: | 蘇蘅 Su, Herng 連芸澤 Lien, Yun-Ze |
Keywords: | 政治假訊息 政治極化 資訊辨偽 因應假訊息行動策略 Political disinformation Political polarization Verification Responses to disinformation |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:53:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 假訊息席捲全球,我們除了察覺其存在,還能如何有效應對?政治作為管理眾人之事,與每個人息息相關。本研究聚焦於政治假訊息,深入探討年輕世代是否存在政治極化,他們對當代資訊環境的觀感、政治資訊的主要接收管道與來源、辨別假訊息的方法,以及面對假訊息時的應對行為。
此外,本研究發現,閱聽環境與閱聽人行為密不可分。年輕世代接觸假訊息的頻率越高,越容易信以為真,卻也因此更積極採取應對行動,例如提高警覺、提醒親友,甚至主動更正資訊。儘管他們對整體資訊環境與社群媒體的信任度普遍偏低,但在辨識資訊真假上展現出一定程度的努力。然而,從結果來看,年輕世代對於政治資訊真假仍存在判斷困難,若認定為假訊息,年輕世代多傾向從個人出發,選擇提高警覺或提醒親朋好友。 本研究探索了年輕世代在面對假訊息時的行動與挑戰,並為理解政治資訊的傳播與辨識提供了新的視角。 The spread of disinformation has swept across the globe. Beyond recognizing its existence, how can we respond effectively? Politics, as the management of public affairs, is closely related to everyone. This study focuses on political disinformation, exploring whether political polarization exists among young generations, their perceptions of the contemporary information environment, the main channels and sources through which they receive political information, the methods they use to identify disinformation, and their responses when encountering it.
The results indicate that as digital natives, the young generation demonstrates a unique ability to utilize both new and traditional media. They rely on diverse channels such as social media, television, and interpersonal networks to receive information. Notably, political polarization is evident among the young generation, leading them to prefer information from parties or political figures they support, thereby reinforcing echo chambers. This phenomenon aligns with recent societal trends where supporters of different political parties accuse each other of spreading disinformation.
Furthermore, the study reveals a close relationship between the information environment and audience behavior. The more frequently young people are exposed to disinformation, the more likely they are to believe it. However, this also motivates them to take proactive measures, such as increasing vigilance, alerting friends and family, or correcting disinformation. Despite their generally low trust in the overall information environment and social media, they show a certain degree of effort in identifying disinformation. Nonetheless, they still face challenges in determining the authenticity of political information. When recognizing disinformation, they tend to respond on a personal level by paying closer attention or alerting those around them.
This study explores the young generation’s actions and challenges in responding to disinformation, offering new perspectives for understanding the dissemination and verification of political information. |
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