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    Title: 掌握生活的信仰?閱聽人尋求網路算命的心理與效果
    Faith in Mastering Life? The Psychology and Effects of Audiences Seeking Online Fortune-Telling
    Authors: 潘伊筠
    Pan, I-Yun
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Pan, I-Yun
    Keywords: 網路算命
    Online fortune-telling
    psychological needs
    user motivation
    emotional support
    locus of control
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:52:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的進步,網路算命已經成為現代社會中一種普遍的心理支持方式。因此,本研究期望探討網路算命的使用行為及其背後的心理因素,特別是在面對生活的不確定性與壓力時,閱聽人為何選擇透過網路來尋求算命服務藉由量化調查研究方法,研究中收集了大量的樣本數據,分析使用者的背景特徵、心理動機、行為模式以及使用效果,從而對網路算命的意義提供新的見解。研究結果顯示,許多使用者是基於好奇心和尋求心理支持的需求而參與網路算命,這反映了人們在不確定的生活環境中對未來預測的渴望。

    With technological advancements, online fortune-telling has become a prevalent psychological support tool in modern society. This study explores user behaviors and psychological factors influencing online fortune-telling, especially in times of uncertainty and stress.
    Using a quantitative survey, we analyzed user demographics, psychological motivations, behavior patterns, and the effects of online fortune-telling. Findings suggest that many users engage in these services out of curiosity and a need for psychological support, reflecting their desire for future guidance. Regardless of gender or education level, psychological needs play a crucial role in user behavior.
    Anxiety and emotional distress often drive individuals to seek fortune-telling as emotional support, offering them predictions and reassurance. The study further examines how locus of control and self-verification needs shape user engagement. Insights from this research can help fortune-telling service providers improve user experience by addressing psychological needs more effectively.
    Understanding the impact of online fortune-telling on mental health and life satisfaction is crucial in today’s fast-changing world. By acknowledging its role in psychological well-being, individuals can better navigate life’s uncertainties.
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