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    题名: 公部門人事人員職業倦怠之研究:從組織及個人層次分析之
    A Study on Job Burnout Among Public Sector Human Resource Personnel: An Analysis from Organizational and Individual Perspectives
    作者: 王維德
    Wang, Wei-De
    贡献者: 董祥開
    Dong, Hsiang-Kai
    Wang, Wei-De
    关键词: 角色壓力
    Role Stress
    Job Burnout
    Perceived Organizational Politics
    Work- Family Conflict
    Job Demands-Resources Model
    Emotional Intelligence
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 13:48:23 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究以「工作需求-資源模型」為理論基礎,旨在探討我國公部門人事人員(以下簡稱人事人員)於職場中面臨職業倦怠等相關議題之影響機制與緩解策略。研究採用混合研究方法,量化部分以行政院所屬中央部會(以下簡稱中央部會)及臺北市、新北市及桃園市直轄市政府(以下簡稱北北桃直轄市政府)人事處(室)506位人事人員為對象進行問卷調查,質化部分則透過深度訪談方式,針對15位人事人員進而剖析其工作經驗與心理感受,深入探討感知組織政治、工作家庭衝突、角色壓力與職業倦怠之間的關聯性。
    This study, based on the Job Demands-Resources Model, aims to explore the mechanisms influencing and strategies for alleviating job burnout among human resources (HR) personnel in the workplace. A mixed-methods approach was employed, with the quantitative phase involving a survey of 506 HR personnel from central government agencies and the personnel offices of Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan City governments. The qualitative phase involved in-depth interviews with 15 HR personnel to analyze their work experiences and psychological perceptions, focusing on the relationships between perceived organizational politics, work-family conflict, role stress, and job burnout.
    The findings reveal that perceived organizational politics and work-family conflict significantly and positively impact role stress. Specifically, HR personnel experiencing a strong organizational political climate or struggling with conflicting work and family demands exhibit higher levels of role stress. Furthermore, role stress significantly predicts job burnout, confirming it as a key factor leading to burnout. Mediation analysis indicates that work-family conflict indirectly exacerbates job burnout through role stress, while the indirect effect of perceived organizational politics on job burnout via role stress is not significant. These findings highlight the critical mediating role of role stress between work-family conflict and job burnout.
    Additionally, the study confirms the moderating effect of a collaborative team climate. A positive team climate effectively mitigates the adverse impacts of perceived organizational politics and work-family conflict on role stress, providing psychological support and resources for HR personnel and reducing their stress burden. However, emotional intelligence does not significantly moderate the relationship between role stress and job burnout, suggesting its limited regulatory function under high-stress conditions.
    In conclusion, the study recommends addressing job burnout among HR personnel at both individual and organizational levels. At the individual level, it is advised to enhance emotional intelligence, psychological resilience, and stress management capabilities. At the organizational level, fostering a collaborative team climate, strengthening emotional support mechanisms, and implementing family-friendly policies are essential. These measures aim to create a supportive and resource-abundant work environment for HR personnel, alleviating role stress and reducing the risk of job burnout. The findings provide valuable insights for HR management practices and future research.
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