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    题名: 英文歧義句消解:華語英語學習者使用介系詞短語之事件相關電位研究
    The resolution of syntactic ambiguity in English: An ERP study of prepositional phrase attachment in Chinese-English bilinguals
    作者: 張哲
    Zhang, Zhe
    贡献者: 詹曉蕙

    Chan, Shiao-Hui
    Chang, Hsun-Hui

    Zhang, Zhe
    关键词: 第二語言
    Prepositional phrase (PP) attachment
    Cognitive resources
    Language processing
    Arithmetic operation
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 13:45:42 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本論文探討了第二語言閱讀理解中句法歧義的消解,重點關注工作記憶和數學運算的作用。通過使用事件相關電位手段,本研究聚焦於兩個主要研究問題:一、第二語言學習者如何處理英文句法歧義;二、非語言因素,如工作記憶和數學運算能力,如何影響第二語言學習者對句法歧義的解決。
    This dissertation investigates second language (L2) syntactic ambiguity resolution during reading comprehension, with a focus on the roles of working memory and arithmetic computation. Using event-related potentials (ERP), the study addresses two primary questions: (1) How do L2 learners resolve syntactic ambiguities during sentence parsing? (2) How do non-linguistic factors, such as working memory and arithmetic ability, influence L2 learners' resolution of syntactic ambiguities?
    In Experiment 1, we examined how L2 learners process syntactic ambiguities, particularly prepositional phrase (PP) attachment, with an emphasis on the impact of working memory. The results indicate that working memory capacity significantly influences PP attachment processing. Participants with higher working memory exhibited a stronger N400 response to low PP attachment, likely reflecting mismatch detection and suggesting that those with greater cognitive flexibility may construct predicted sentence structures during processing.
    Experiment 2 extended this investigation by introducing arithmetic computation as a contextual factor. The findings revealed that higher arithmetic demand, marked by an increased P300, influenced subsequent syntactic processing, particularly in PP attachment. A P600 effect emerged when the preceding context involved low arithmetic demand (which did not interfere with further syntactic integration or reanalysis) or when the low working memory group was involved (which required more cognitive resources to resolve PP attachment). These results suggest that resolving syntactic ambiguity depends on shared cognitive resources between math and language, highlighting the complex interplay between linguistic and mathematical tasks.
    In conclusion, this dissertation enhances our understanding of how L2 learners resolve syntactic ambiguities and the impact of non-linguistic factors, such as working memory and arithmetic computation, on this process. Further research with larger and more diverse samples is necessary to expand on these findings.
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