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Title: | 探討台灣雙語教學課堂對台灣國小學童聽力焦慮影響 : 針對美術課之個案研究 Exploring the Effects of Bilingual Teaching on Taiwanese Elementary Students’ EFL Listening Anxiety : A Case Study in an Art Class |
Authors: | 陳映慈 Chen, Yin-Tzu |
Contributors: | 許麗媛 Hsu, Li-Yuan 陳映慈 Chen, Yin-Tzu |
Keywords: | 雙語教學 以英語為外語 聽力焦慮 bilingual teaching EFL listening anxiety |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:44:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在於探究雙語課程是否對台灣國小生的外語學習焦慮造成影響,以及其可能的原因。本個案研究對象為台灣北部小學同一班級的五年級學生,共21位。他們接受一學期,約二十周的雙語美術課程。本研究為混合研究(mixed-method research),英語聽力焦慮量表(Kim, 2000)、課程滿意度問卷及半結構式訪談為資料來源。研究結果顯示:經過一學期的雙語課程,學生聽力焦慮降低之程度達到顯著性差異。其原因經滿意度問卷及訪談結果歸納得出兩大因素,母語支持及課堂本質。非全英語的環境使學生能在中文支持下學習英語,提高學生英語接受度。研究中的雙語美術課屬於非考科、教學內容有趣,即使加上外語學習仍能引起學生興趣使外語融入課程並降低學生外語聽力焦慮。本研究希冀提供日後雙語教學課程安排或相關法令參考。 The purpose of this study is to explore whether bilingual courses affect English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning anxiety among Taiwanese elementary school students, and to identify the potential reasons behind this impact. The participants of this case study were 21 fifth-grade students from the same class in an elementary school in northern Taiwan. They attended a bilingual art course for one semester, approximately 20 weeks. This study employs a mixed-method research design, using the Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale(Kim, 2000), a course evaluation survey, and semi-structured interviews as data sources. The results of the study indicate that after one semester of bilingual courses, there was a significant reduction in students' listening anxiety. Two main factors were identified as contributing to this outcome, based on the questionnaire and interview results: native language support and the nature of the classroom. The non-immersion English environment allowed students to learn English with the support of their native language, which enhanced their acceptance of English. Furthermore, the bilingual art course, being a non-exam subject with interesting content, engaged students even when foreign language learning was involved. This integration of English into the course helped reduce students' foreign language listening anxiety. This study aims to provide insights for the future design of bilingual curricula and related policies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 110951018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110951018 |
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