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Title: | 運用聽力日誌與廣泛聽力對台灣高中生英語聽力及後設認知覺察力的影響 The Effects of Integrating Listening Journals with Extensive Listening Practice on Taiwanese High School Students’ EFL Listening Proficiency and Metacognitive Awareness |
Authors: | 周佳慧 Chou, Chia-hui |
Contributors: | 許麗媛 Hsu, Li-Yuan 周佳慧 Chou, Chia-hui |
Keywords: | 廣泛聽力 聆聽日誌 後設認知意識 英語為外語(EFL) 聽力能力 Extensive listening Listening journals Metacognitive awareness EFL Listening proficiency |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:44:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 雖然廣泛聽力(extensive listening)在提升第二語言學習者聽力能力方面效果顯著,將聽力日誌整合至廣泛閱讀能夠增進大學生的後設認知意識,但在台灣高中情境下實施的相關研究,仍相對有限。本研究旨在探討使用聆聽日誌對台灣高中生英語聽力能力及後設認知意識的影響。研究招募了來自兩個班的73名參與者,並將其分為實驗組和控制組進行為期16週的研究。本研究還關注學生對這種教學方法的看法。數據來源包括標準化的聽力能力測試、學生英語聽力後設認知意識問卷,以及參與者所撰寫的聆聽日誌。 研究結果顯示,經過16週的實驗,儘管實驗組在聽力能力測試中的表現從前測到後測有所改善,且後測分數略高於控制組,但兩組間的差異並不具有統計學上的顯著性。在後設認知意識的發展方面,問卷數據顯示,無論是實驗組還是控制組,在實驗前後均無顯著差異。至於學生對於維持廣泛聆聽日誌的態度,則出現了明顯的轉變。起初,他們將日誌視為壓力性的作業和英語考試,但隨著時間的推移,他們的動機逐漸提高,並開始認識到這項活動在提升聽力技巧方面的價值。 While extensive listening has been shown to enhance L2 learners' listening proficiency and the integration of listening journals within extensive reading frameworks has demonstrated potential in improving college students' metacognitive awareness, research on their application in high school contexts, particularly in Taiwan, remains limited. The present study examined the effects of using listening journals on Taiwanese high school students' EFL listening proficiency and metacognitive awareness. Seventy-three participants from two intact classes were recruited and divided into experimental and control groups for a 16-week study. The students' perceptions of this approach were also a focus of the study. Data were collected from multiple sources, including a standardized listening proficiency test, a questionnaire on students' English listening metacognitive awareness, and the listening journals created by the participants. The findings revealed that, the findings showed that after a 16-week experiment, although the experimental group showed some improvement from the pretest to the posttest on the listening proficiency test and scored slightly higher than the control group on the posttest, the differences were not statistically significant. Regarding the development of metacognitive awareness, the questionnaire data revealed no significant differences in either group before or after the experiment. As for students' attitudes toward keeping extensive listening journals, there was a noticeable shift in their perceptions. Initially, they viewed the journals as stressful assignments and English tests. However, over time, their motivation began to improve, and they started to recognize the value of the activity in enhancing their listening skills. |
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