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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/155905
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    Title: 論修復式司法之程序保障
    The Due Process of Restorative Justice
    Authors: 王郁祺
    Wang, Yu-Chi
    Contributors: 謝如媛
    Wang, Yu-Chi
    Keywords: 修復式司法
    Restorative Justice
    Procedural safeguards
    Criminal procedure
    Due Process
    Human rights
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:41:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 修復式司法不同於傳統刑事司法以懲罰為核心,其以不同的視角看待犯罪,並以修復傷害的方式處理犯罪。而過往談到修復式司法,總會讓人認為需要修復的應該是被害人,因此關注的重點也多聚焦於被害人。事實上,行為人也是修復式司法關心的對象,希望藉由修復式司法,能夠讓行為人被理解,並且自發性地承擔責任。也正因過往對於修復式司法的討論多以被害人的角度出發,鮮少以行為人視角看待修復式司法,因此本文想嘗試以行為人的角度檢視修復式司法程序。
    Restorative justice differs from traditional criminal justice, which primarily focuses on punishment. Instead, it approaches crime from a different perspective and seeks to address it by repairing the harm caused. In the past, discussions on restorative justice have often centered on victims, assuming that they are the ones in need of restoration. However, offenders are also a key focus of restorative justice. Through this process, it is hoped that offenders can be better understood and encouraged to take responsibility voluntarily. Because prior discussions on restorative justice have largely been victim-centered and have seldom considered the perspective of offenders, this article aims to examine the restorative justice process from the offender’s standpoint.
    With the incorporation of restorative justice into Taiwan’s Code of Criminal Procedure, it has officially become part of the national crime-handling mechanism. Through referrals by judicial authorities, criminal cases can now transition between restorative justice and criminal proceedings. However, as a mechanism for addressing crime, how does restorative justice interact with the criminal justice system in practice? How does its operation impact criminal proceedings? More importantly, do these effects place defendants who participate in restorative justice at a disadvantage or undermine their procedural rights in subsequent criminal litigation? These questions have often been overlooked in past discussions, which have primarily focused on victims. However, they are critical issues that cannot be ignored.
    This study synthesizes domestic and international literature to explore the concept of restorative justice and its implementation in Taiwan. It also draws on foreign research regarding due process in restorative justice to analyze the potential impact on defendants' due process rights and the underlying considerations. Furthermore, through an examination of courts decisions, this study evaluates how actions taken by offenders during the restorative justice process may affect the due process protections in subsequent criminal proceedings. The goal is to ensure that III defendants’ judicial rights are not compromised by their participation in restorative justice. Ultimately, this study proposes concrete solutions and appropriate procedural safeguards.
    Reference: 一、 中文文獻
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    (四) 學位論文
    1. 王士帆,不自證己罪原則-nemotenetur,國立政治大學法律研究所碩士論文,2004年7月。
    2. 王炳煌,我國警察機關推行少年修復式正義可行性之研究,中央警察大學犯罪防治研究所博士論文,2017年8月。
    3. 李孟錡,從參與者觀點探討我國修復式司法理念與運作模式,國立台北大學犯罪研究所碩士論文,2016年7月。
    4. 沈健論,由修復式司法之觀點探究我國犯罪被害人保護:以台中地方法院檢察署為中心,國立中正大學犯罪防治研究所碩士論文,2013年12月。
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    6. 林萱恩,被告偵查中受律師協助權-以歐洲比較法與證據禁止為中心,國立成功大學法律研究所碩士論文,2019年7月。
    7. 涂冠宇,展望未來的刑事責任概念-以修復式司法為契機,國立臺灣大學法律研究所碩士論文, 2021年10月。
    8. 崔雲飛,無罪推定之具體實踐-以歐洲人權法院判例法為核心,國立台灣大學法律研究所碩士論文,2006年7月。
    9. 張曉雯,修復式司法於刑事實務運用之研究,國立中興大學法律學系科技法律碩士班碩士學位論文,2012年6月。
    10. 曹陽,自白法則之研究,國立臺北大學法律研究所碩士論文,2017年7月。
    11. 陳珈谷,論修復式司法,國立臺灣大學法律研究所碩士論文, 2002年10月。
    12. 陳鴻元,傳聞法則與被告審判外自白之證據調查─以三個實務案例為中心,國立政治大學法律研究所碩士論文, 2016年11月。
    13. 黃士娟,修復式司法在刑事司法制度之實踐,中國文化大學法律研究所碩士論文,2017年6月。
    14. 鄧樂維,敲開對話之門—志工陪伴者在修復式司法中之角色,國立台北大學犯罪學研究所碩士論文,2012年7月。
    15. 謝煜偉,二分論刑事政策之考察與批判—從我國「寬嚴並進的刑事政策」談起,國立臺灣大學法律學研究所碩士論文,2004年6月。
    16. 魏小嵐,修復式司法:實踐與反思,國立台灣大學法律研究所碩士論文,2012年6月。
    17. 羅朝勝,鄉鎮市調解之研究,國立中正大學法律研究所碩士論文,2004年。
    (五) 研究報告
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