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Title: | 雲端技術的應用與效益:以台灣金融業為例 Application and Benefits of Cloud Technology: A Case Study in Taiwanese Financial Industry |
Authors: | 黃彥仁 Huang, Yen-Jen |
Contributors: | 陳嬿如 Chen, Yenn-Ru 黃彥仁 Huang, Yen-Jen |
Keywords: | 雲端運算 金融業 數位轉型 公有雲 效益分析 金融法規 服務創新 Cloud computing financial industry digital transformation public cloud benefit analysis financial regulations service innovation |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:33:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著金融科技與開放銀行的崛起,全球金融業積極擁抱雲端技術,以提升服務效能、降低成本並強化競爭力。雲端技術不僅能協助金融機構處理龐大的消費者數據,更能提供高度彈性的 IT 架構,讓企業能快速回應市場變化。在 Bank 4.0 時代,雲端部署已成為金融業不可逆轉的趨勢。國際金融巨擘紛紛將雲端應用列為重點發展策略,透過雲端技術提升數據處理速度、加強客戶服務個性化,並快速推出創新金融產品。
台灣金融業應加速雲端轉型,以掌握數位化浪潮所帶來的商機。首先,金融機構應評估自身業務需求,選擇適合的雲端服務。其次,加強資安防護,確保客戶數據安全。此外,培育雲端人才,以支持企業的雲端轉型。透過雲端技術,台灣金融業能提升營運效率、降低成本、並開發創新金融服務,在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出。隨著全球金融業雲端應用熱潮持續升溫,台灣金融業應及早佈局,把握雲端帶來的發展契機。 Driven by the growth of Fintech and Open Banking, global financial industry is experiencing a paradigm shift towards cloud adoption. By harnessing cloud technology, financial institutions can significantly enhance service efficiency, reduce operational costs, and gain a competitive edge. The cloud offers a scalable and flexible IT infrastructure, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to evolving market dynamics. As the financial industry enters the era of Bank 4.0, cloud deployment has become a strategic imperative. Global financial behemoths are prioritizing cloud applications to accelerate data processing, personalize customer experiences, and expedite the launch of innovative financial products.
Taiwanese financial institutions have been slower to adopt cloud technology compared to their global counterparts. Despite regulatory changes promoting public cloud adoption, many domestic institutions are grappling with challenges such as system integration, cybersecurity, and talent shortages. Nevertheless, cloud technology offers a compelling solution to enhance information security and simplify regulatory compliance. To thrive in the competitive global financial landscape, Taiwanese financial institutions must embrace cloud transformation and forge a closer integration between cloud technology and their core business.
To stay competitive in the digital age, Taiwan’s financial industry must accelerate its cloud adoption. Financial institutions should begin by assessing their specific business needs and selecting the most appropriate cloud solutions. Cybersecurity should be a top priority to safeguard customer data. Moreover, investing in cloud talent is essential to support the transformation process. By embracing cloud technology, Taiwanese financial institutions can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and develop innovative financial products, ultimately gaining a competitive edge in the market. As the global financial industry increasingly turns to the cloud, Taiwanese institutions must act swiftly to capitalize on these opportunities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932091 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932091 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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