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    Title: 探討自費醫材納入健保給付後之競爭策略 - 以M公司頸椎人工椎間盤為例
    Competitive Strategy Analysis of Self-Pay Medical Devices Following Inclusion in National Health Insurance Coverage - A Case Study of M Company's Cervical Artificial Disc
    Authors: 吳淑玲
    Wu, Shu-Ling
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Wu, Shu-Ling
    Keywords: 自費醫材
    Self-pay medical devices
    Cervical artificial disc
    Health technology assessment (HTA)
    Price-volume survey
    Product lifecycle
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:33:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討台灣健保給付醫材政策對自費醫材市場形成與發展的影響,並以M公司頸椎人工椎間盤產品在台灣經營為案例,分析當自費醫材經過醫療科技評估後,一旦納入健保給付,如何應對價格下降和競爭優勢削弱的挑戰。健保給付醫材政策雖提升了醫材的普及性,但隨之而來的價量調查和降價機制,對廠商利潤與市場定位產生深遠影響。本研究旨在尋找在健保給付環境下,如何維持自費時期之價格與競爭優勢的策略。



    This study explores the impact of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) medical device reimbursement policy on the self-pay medical device market. Using M Company's cervical artificial disc product in Taiwan as an example, it investigates the challenges faced by self-pay devices after undergoing health technology assessments (HTA) and inclusion in the NHI system, such as price reductions and diminished competitive advantages. Although the NHI reimbursement policy enhances accessibility, its price-volume surveys and price reduction mechanisms significantly affect manufacturers’ profitability and market positioning. The study proposes strategies to preserve self-pay pricing models and sustain competitive advantages under NHI reimbursement constraints.

    Using a qualitative research approach, the interviews were conducted with two physicians, two manufacturers, and two self-pay medical device users to analyze the interplay between NHI policies and the self-pay market. The findings reveal that the self-pay market has emerged as a response to NHI resource limitations and the growing demand for high-value innovative devices. However, inclusion in the NHI system erodes manufacturers’ pricing power through price reduction policies, diluting brand value and profitability. Physicians prioritize clinical efficacy, patients emphasize value-for-money outcomes, and manufacturers navigate a delicate balance between policy constraints and market competition. Successfully managing these factors is crucial to sustaining product lifecycles and achieving economic viability, which are essential for the market's functionality.

    This study proposes three key strategies: (1) Continue technological upgrades and innovations after NHI inclusion to promote high-value-added products, enhance market competitiveness, and retain the attractiveness of the self-pay market; (2) Utilize differentiated pricing and a dual-tier market strategy to balance NHI and self-pay needs; (3) Strengthen brand building and value-added services to improve patient loyalty and extend the product lifecycle.

    This study aims to provide practical references for NHI policymakers and medical device manufacturers, facilitating coordinated policies and market development, achieving a win-win scenario, and optimizing resource allocation and industrial innovation.
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