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    Title: 服務能力、服務滿意度及服務補救對於顧客依賴之影響 -- 以物流業者為例
    The impact of service capability, service satisfaction, and service recovery on customer dependence: a case study of logistics providers
    Authors: 鍾美堅
    Chung, Mei-Chien
    Contributors: 彭金隆
    Peng, Jin-Lung
    Chung, Mei-Chien
    Keywords: 物流業
    Service capabilities
    Service satisfaction
    Service recovery
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:30:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討物流業者的服務能力、服務補救對顧客滿意度與顧客依賴度的影響,結果顯示服務能力與服務補救對顧客滿意度及依賴度均具有明顯的正向直接影響。物流業者提升服務能力,如提高配送準確性、運輸穩定性及客製化客服專業性,可有效增加顧客滿意度;而妥善與及時的服務補救措施,如即時發現問題與通報、提供優惠折扣或賠償,則能進一步提升顧客滿意度及依賴度。研究結果發現,顧客滿意度是顧客依賴度的重要影響因素。當顧客對物流業者的服務感到滿意時,顧客對物流業者的依賴程度亦會顯著增加。因此,物流業者應重視服務品質的提升與運送服務過程中發生失誤的補救處理,以鞏固與顧客的合作關係。
    依照研究結果之結論,本研究建議物流業者透過最佳化與客製化服務流程、加強 補救策略、強化顧客滿意度管理以及應用系統數據驅動技術等措施,進一步提升市場 競爭力。同時未來研究可延伸探討品牌形象、價格競爭力及綠色物流等因素對顧客滿意度與依賴度的影響,強化物流業者與顧客之間關係的影響。本研究成果為物流業者在提升顧客滿意度與依賴度上提供了實務參考與理論基礎,建立持續穩定的顧客關係與長期競爭優勢。
    This study investigates the impact of logistics providers' service capability and service recovery on customer satisfaction and customer dependence. The results indicate that service capability and service recovery significantly positively affect customer satisfaction and dependence. Enhancing service capability, such as improving delivery accuracy, transportation stability, and customer service professionalism, can effectively boost customer satisfaction. Similarly, well-executed service recovery measures, such as timely problem reporting, compensation, or discounts, further enhance customer satisfaction and dependence.
    The findings reveal that customer satisfaction is a key driver of customer dependence. When customers are satisfied with the services provided by logistics providers, their dependence on these providers significantly increases. Therefore, logistics providers should prioritize improving service quality and managing service failures to strengthen customer relationships.
    Based on the study's conclusions, it is recommended that logistics providers optimize service processes, enhance recovery strategies, reinforce customer satisfaction management, and apply data-driven technologies to improve market competitiveness further. Future research could explore factors such as brand image, price competitiveness, and green logistics and their impact on customer satisfaction and dependence, enriching the model of the relationship between logistics providers and customers. The findings of this study offer practical insights and theoretical foundations for logistics providers to enhance customer satisfaction and dependence, contributing to the establishment of sustainable customer relationships and long-term competitive advantages.
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