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    Title: 咖啡沉浸旅遊服務商業模式之研究 一 以R公司為例
    Exploring the Business Model of Niche Coffee Tourism - A Case Study of R Company’s Immersive Coffee Travel Service
    Authors: 周詩盈
    Chou, Shi-Yin Veronica
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Tsan, Wen-Nan
    Chou, Shi-Yin Veronica
    Keywords: 商業模式畫布
    Business Model Canvas (BMC)
    niche tourism
    coffee tourism
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:29:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對許多人而言,飲用咖啡已成為現代生活中不可或缺的一部分。隨著咖啡文化的蓬勃發展,其不僅承載了社交互動的功能,也帶來了獨特的感官體驗與情境享受。即使是不喝咖啡的人,也常在咖啡館中進行工作、社交或旅行時的休憩。然而,當代的咖啡愛好者愈發追求超越單純商品層面的深度體驗,渴望更具文化內涵與沉浸式的咖啡旅遊。對此,咖啡主題旅遊或許正是滿足這一趨勢的最佳解方,讓人們得以透過旅程更深入地探索咖啡世界。本研究聚焦於咖啡旅遊領域,作為利基旅遊(Niche Tourism)的一環,旨在深入剖析台灣新興咖啡旅遊業者 R 公司的營運模式與策略。首先,研究運用 PEST 分析法(政治、經濟、社會與技術層面)評估影響台灣咖啡旅遊發展的主要外部因素。接著,透過商業模式畫布(Business Model Canvas, BMC)與 SWOT 分析(優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅),探討 R 公司的經營策略與市場定位。研究結果顯示,R 公司之利基咖啡旅遊模式在內外部因素的分析基礎上,已進行創新與優化,展現出具體的市場競爭力與發展潛力。
    To many, coffee drinking is an important part of modern day lives. The popularity of coffee culture has surged as it offers a unique blend of social interaction, experiential delight, and sensory pleasure. Even for non-coffee drinkers, a café is a common place where they meet for work, pleasure and during travel. Yet contemporary coffee enthusiasts seek experiences that transcend the basic commodity value of coffee, yearning for something more enriching and immersive. Coffee-centric tours might be the answer to this growing demand for deeper, more culturally rich coffee experiences. This research focuses on delving into the realm of coffee tourism, a specialized segment of niche tourism, with the objective of comprehensively analyzing the operations and strategies of R Company, a new player in Taiwan's niche coffee tourism sector. First, by using political, economic, social, and technological PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological), the study evaluates the major external factors influencing Taiwan’s coffee tourism. Then, the study formulates the tourism business management strategy of R Company using Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) approaches. The results showed that every aspect of the niche coffee tour model by R Company has been innovated according to the analysis of internal and external factors.
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