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Title: | 低碳經濟下保險資本整合小型水力發電之商業模式設計 Business Model Design for Small Hydropower Projects Driven by Insurance Capital in the Low-Carbon Economy |
Authors: | 吳鎮宇 Wu, Cheng-Yu |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 Jeng, Jyh-Fu 吳鎮宇 Wu, Cheng-Yu |
Keywords: | 水力發電 可再生能源 綠色金融 ESG(環境、社會、治理) 保險產業 氣候變遷 能源轉型 永續發展目標(SDGs) 投資策略 基礎設施建設 小型水力發電 跨領域合作 商業模式創新 環境效益 經濟效益 Hydropower Renewable Energy Green Finance ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Insurance Industry Climate Change Energy Transition Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Investment Strategy Infrastructure Development Small-Scale Hydropower Interdisciplinary Collaboration Business Model Innovation Environmental Benefits Economic Benefits |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:29:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著氣候變遷與能源轉型挑戰的加劇,可再生能源的發展成為各國實現永續發展目標
(SDGs)與減碳承諾的關鍵。水力發電作為穩定且環保的能源形式,尤其在台灣擁有豐富水資源與地形優勢,具備發展潛力。保險業作為資金密集型產業,除了長期穩定的資金需求外,亦在推動綠色金融與 ESG 發展中扮演重要角色。將水力發電與保險資金結合,不僅滿足投資需求,還能支持可再生能源基礎設施,實現經濟與環境雙重效益。本研究旨在探索小型水力發電與保險產業結合的創新商業模式,分析其可行性及對市場的影響,並提出策略建議,協助保險公司達成經濟效益與社會責任的雙重目標,推動台灣可再生能源與綠色金融發展。 As the challenges of climate change and energy transition intensify, the development of renewable energy has become a key strategy for countries to achieve their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and carbon reduction commitments. Hydropower, as a stable and environmentally friendly energy source, has significant development potential, especially in Taiwan, which possesses abundant water resources and favorable topography. The insurance industry, as a capital-intensive sector, not only has long-term stable capital needs but also plays an important role in promoting green finance and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) development. Integrating hydropower with insurance capital can not only meet investment needs but also support the infrastructure of renewable energy, achieving both economic and environmental benefits. This study aims to explore an innovative business model that combines small-scale hydropower with the insurance industry, analyze its feasibility and impact on the market, and propose strategic recommendations to help insurance companies achieve both economic benefits and social responsibility, thereby advancing the development of renewable energy and green finance in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932081 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932081 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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