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Title: | 國軍遴選赴美國軍校交流軍官畢業返軍任職工作適應之研究:個人因素或組織因素 A Study on the Work Adaptation of R.O.C. Officers Returned from U.S. Military Academies: Individual or Organizational Factors |
Authors: | 林子涵 Lin, Zi-Han |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 Liu, Hsiao-Pong 林子涵 Lin, Zi-Han |
Keywords: | 美國軍校 社會排斥 工作適應 軍事留學 international military students U.S. Military academies social exclusion work adaptation |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:24:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國軍遴選赴美國軍校交流軍官於管制年限期滿即申請退伍,多為上尉、少校階之中、高階管理階層軍官,因此留外人才流失情況為近年來政府極為關心的現象。本研究著重於赴美軍校交流軍官返國後於軍中適應工作的挑戰,特別是他們在組織內所遭遇的社會排斥現象及其對工作適應的影響。藉由結合社會排斥理論,本文探討這些軍官在工作中面臨的問題,進而分析這些因素如何影響他們與工作環境間的互動。 本研究採用質性研究方法,以方便抽樣選取7位曾赴美國軍校就讀4年制大學,且畢業後返軍任職之軍官進行深度訪談,紀錄受訪者的在職經驗。研究結果發現,赴美軍校交流軍官在國軍組織中面臨生產活動、社交活動及決策活動等面向的社會排斥,進一步歸納各排斥面向導致赴美軍校交流軍官在工作角色能力、工作任務表現及工作滿意度造成負面影響,不僅影響軍官的個人發展,亦間接降低軍隊整體的組織效能。 研究建議國軍應建立專業技能加給或獎勵制度,確保其專業技術和國際視野能在實務中發揮,並能夠被合理評價。同時,建立專業傳譯人才培育與分級派遣機制,不僅避免錯置或浪費其專業能力,亦能增進國內外語人才的培養,從而提升整體國際軍事交流成效。另應在派遣交流軍官出國前加強職涯規劃指導,減少期待與現實的落差,降低由此引發的適應問題。 The Republic of China Armed Forces (ROCAF) has observed a concerning trend of officers selected for exchange programs at U.S. military academies applying for discharge shortly after completing their mandatory service period. These officers, often at the rank of captain or major and representing middle/high- level manager, highlight a significant loss of talent with overseas training, which has become a pressing issue for the government in recent years. This study focuses on the challenges faced by exchange officers returning from U.S. military academies as they adapt to their work environment within the military, particularly the social exclusion they encounter and its impact on their work adaptation. By applying the theoretical framework of social exclusion, this study examines the difficulties these officers experience in their roles and analyzes how these factors influence their interactions with their organizational environment. Employing a qualitative research approach, this study used convenience sampling to conduct in-depth interviews with seven officers who had completed four-year undergraduate programs at U.S. military academies and subsequently returned to serve in the ROCAF. The findings reveal that these officers face exclusion in three key dimensions: production activity, social activity, and political activity. Such exclusion negatively affects their job role ability, job task performance, and job satisfaction, ultimately hindering their personal development and indirectly reducing overall organizational effectiveness within the military. The study recommends that the ROCAF establish a system of professional skill bonuses or rewards to ensure that the expertise and international perspectives of these officers are recognized and effectively utilized. Additionally, a structured framework for the development and deployment of professional translators and interpreters should be implemented to avoid misallocation or underutilization of specialized skills while enhancing domestic language training. This would further improve the effectiveness of international military exchanges and cooperation. Moreover, pre-deployment career planning guidance should be strengthened to minimize the gap between expectations and reality, thereby reducing adaptation challenges for exchange officers. |
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