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Title: | 台灣和墨西哥工業發展中的國家市場關係比較研究:以半導體產業為例 A Comparative Study of State-Market Relations in the Industrial Development of Taiwan and Mexico: The Case of Semiconductors Industry |
Authors: | 羅皓宇 Souza Roldan, Omar |
Contributors: | 馮慕文 Fabricio Antonio Fonseca Fernández 羅皓宇 Souza Roldan, Omar |
Keywords: | 比較政治經濟學 發展型國家 嵌入式自主性 產業發展 電子產業 半導體 臺灣 墨西哥 Comparative Political Economy Developmental State Embedded Autonomy Industrial Development Electronics Semiconductors Taiwan Mexico |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 16:18:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 這篇論文探討臺灣與墨西哥在產業發展路徑上的差異,重點分析電子產業中半導體部門的發展。基於彼得·埃文斯(Peter Evans, 1995)提出的「嵌入式自主性」理論框架,本研究分析兩國國家機構的制度設計與策略如何影響其產業成果。在臺灣,經濟部(MOEA)、工業技術研究院(ITRI)及國家科學及技術委員會(NSTC)等專業化且自主性較強的機構,透過一致的政策與穩固的公私部門合作,促進了創新與全球競爭力的提升。相對地,墨西哥的國家機構,如經濟部(SE)、國家人文科學與技術委員會(CONAHCYT)及高等研究中心(Cinvestav),因自主性有限、目標分散及制度協調性較弱,限制了其進行產業升級的能力。本比較研究強調了自主性與嵌入性在塑造國家機構效能中的關鍵作用,並為後發展國家在實現技術與經濟轉型方面的挑戰與機遇提供了啟示。 This thesis examines the divergent industrial trajectories of Taiwan and Mexico, focusing on the development of the semiconductor sector within the electronics industry. Using Peter Evans’ (1995) framework of embedded autonomy, it explores how the institutional design and strategies of state agencies have shaped industrial outcomes in both countries. In Taiwan, professionalized and autonomous agencies like the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) have facilitated innovation and global competitiveness through coherent policies and strong public-private collaboration. Conversely, Mexico’s state agencies, including the Secretariat of Economy (SE), National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONAHCYT), and the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav), have been hindered by limited autonomy, fragmented priorities, and weaker institutional coherence, which have constrained their capacity for industrial upgrading. The comparative analysis highlights the critical roles of autonomy and embeddedness in shaping the effectiveness of state agencies and offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for late-developing countries seeking to achieve technological and economic transformation. |
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