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    Title: 中小學校長數位領導素養指標建構之研究
    A Study on the Development of Digital Leadership Competency Indicators for Primary and Secondary School Principals
    Authors: 林辰諭
    Lin, Chen-Yu
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Lin, Chen-Yu
    Keywords: 校長數位領導
    principal digital leadership
    digital literacy
    digital transformation
    Fuzzy Delphi Method
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 16:15:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在建構中小學校長數位領導素養指標,希望能回應教育數位轉型的需求與挑戰。本研究採用文獻計量法與模糊德懷術等方法,並結合國內外數位領導框架與實務經驗,逐步發展適合中小學教育場域的指標體系。研究過程首先透過文獻計量分析掌握數位領導知識結構的演變趨勢,釐清整體概念發展脈絡,並整合個別獨立研究與政府組織、機構所塑造之數位教育相關框架要旨,初擬中小學校長數位領導素養指標。其次,藉由專家適切性問卷、模糊德懷術問卷蒐集專家意見,進一步精緻指標內容。
    This study aims to develop competency indicators for digital leadership among primary and secondary school principals, addressing the demands and challenges of educational digital transformation. Employing bibliometric analysis and the Fuzzy Delphi Method, and integrating both domestic and international digital leadership frameworks with practical experiences, the study systematically formulates an indicator system tailored to the primary and secondary education context. Initially, bibliometric analysis was utilized to comprehend the evolution of the knowledge structure in digital leadership, clarifying the overall conceptual development. This involved synthesizing individual studies and key elements from digital education frameworks established by governmental organizations and institutions, leading to a preliminary draft of the competency indicators. Subsequently, expert opinions were gathered through appropriateness questionnaires and the Fuzzy Delphi Method to refine the indicators further.
    The final framework comprises five major dimensions of digital leadership competencies for school principals: mastering digital literacy, constructing digital support systems, promoting digital curricula and instruction, cultivating digital professionalism, and co-creating digital ethical standards. These encompass 10 facets and 34 specific indicators. Findings indicate that the most critical dimension is "continuous development of digital professionalism," with "establishing campus digital norms" identified as the most pivotal indicator. This research provides a reference for evaluating and practicing principals' digital leadership and offers a foundational framework for subsequent studies in related fields.
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