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Title: | 母語教師教學能力指標建構之研究 A Construction of Pedagogical Competencies indicators for Mother-Tongue Teacher |
Authors: | 洪紹慈 Hung, Shao-Tzu |
Contributors: | 郭昭佑 Guo, Chao-Yu 洪紹慈 Hung, Shao-Tzu |
Keywords: | 指標建構 母語教師教學能力 母語教育 模糊德懷術 Indicator Construction Mother-Tongue Teacher Pedagogical Competency Mother-Tongue Education Fuzzy Delphi Method |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 16:06:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在現今的地球村中,全球化加速促進跨文化交流的同時,他國文化來勢洶洶,各國對母語文化的重視和保存意識逐漸提升。而欲保存和傳承母語文化,便需以教育為基礎,母語教師的教學能力乃成為母語教育是否成功的關鍵。本研究旨在建立我國母語教師教學能力指標,透過文獻探討、焦點團體訪談、以及專家適合度問卷和模糊德懷術問卷,建構母語教師教學能力三大構面、十個能力向度,以及三十七項指標內容。並透過重要程度排序,確立母語教師教學能力的分類及指標重要性,讓我國母語教育之推動、母語師資的培育有更明確的進步方向。本研究得出之結論和建議如下:
一、本研究建立母語教師教學能力指標,具有三大構面、十個能力向度,以及三十七項指標內容。 二、母語教師教學能力指標中,母語教師教學學科能力為三大構面中最重要者;母語聆聽能力為十個能力向度中,重要性最高者,屬於母語教學學科能力構面;而母語聆聽能力中,指標內容1-2-1:「能聽懂日常語速下,與他人以母語對談的口語內容」,為三十七項指標中最重要者。 三、母語教育政策的推動,可藉由強化政策支持與資源投入、加強母語教師專業培訓、促進家庭與社區參與、推動社會認知與文化認同著手,藉上層機關全面規劃,帶動地方順利推動母語教育。 四、母語師資培訓相關機構,可從建立母語師資培訓的專門機構、擴增大專院校相關學位課程與培訓權益此兩項開始改善。 In today's global village, globalization has accelerated cross-cultural exchanges, and foreign cultures exert significant influence. This has heightened the awareness and importance of preserving and valuing mother tongue cultures worldwide. To protect and pass down mother tongue cultures, education serves as the cornerstone. And the pedagogical competencies of mother-tongue teachers become a crucial factor in the success of mother tongue education. This study aims to construct pedagogical competencies indicators for mother-tongue teachers in Taiwan. Through a combination of literature review, Focus Group Interviewing, Expert Appropriateness Questionnaire, and Fuzzy Delphi Method, the research identifies three core dimensions, ten competency aspects, and 37 specific indicators of pedagogical competencies. By prioritizing the importance of these indicators, this study clarifies the classification and significance of these competencies, offering a clearer direction for advancing mother tongue education and the training of mother-tongue teachers in Taiwan.The conclusions and recommendations of this study are as follows:
1.This study constructs pedagogical competencies indicators for mother-tongue teachers, comprising three core dimensions, ten competency aspects, and 37 specific indicators. 2.Among the pedagogical competencies indicators for mother-tongue teachers, the academic knowledge of mother-tongue teachers is the most important of the three core dimensions; "Mother-Tongue Listening Skills" is the most important of the ten competency aspects, and it’s falling under the "academic knowledge of mother-tongue teachers" dimension; and within the "Mother-Tongue Listening Skills" aspect, Indicator 1-2-1, "Able to understand daily conversations spoken at a normal speed using the mother tongue," is considered the most important among the thirty-seven indicators. 3.The promotion of mother-tongue education policies can be achieved by strengthening policy support and resource investment, enhancing professional training for mother-tongue teachers, encouraging family and community involvement, and promoting social awareness and cultural identity. Through Comprehensive planning by higher-level authorities, local regions can be effectively supported in advancing mother-tongue education. 4.Institutions involved in mother-tongue teacher training can begin improvements by establishing specialized institutions for mother-tongue teacher training and expanding related degree programs and training opportunities at universities and colleges. |
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