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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/155480
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    Title: 企業ESG績效與董事會結構之關聯性-高汙染產業的調節效果
    The Relationship Between Corporate ESG Performance and Board Structure: The Moderating Effect of High-Pollution Industries
    Authors: 許詔崴
    Xu, Zhao-Wei
    Contributors: 林宛瑩
    Lin, Wan-Ying
    Xu, Zhao-Wei
    Keywords: ESG績效
    ESG performance
    Board structure
    Board independence
    CEO-chairman duality
    High-pollution industries
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:55:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討企業ESG績效與董事會結構之關聯性,並分析高汙染產業的調節作用。就企業ESG績效與董事會結構之關聯性而言,本研究認為董事會獨立性較高的公司在公司治理上更健全,獨立董事不僅能保障股東權益,還能促進企業遵守法規、落實企業社會責任,從而提升ESG績效。另一方面,董事長兼任執行長的公司在文獻結論上各有分岐,根據代理理論,當董事長兼任執行長時,角色衝突可能削弱企業在社會責任上的表現;反之,根據管家理論,賦予執行長充分的權力與信任,有助於提升管理效能。本研究將根據實證結果驗證兩種理論的適用性。
    This study aims to explore the relationship between corporate ESG performance and board structure, while analyzing the moderating effect of high-pollution industries. Regarding the relationship between ESG performance and board structure, this study posits that companies with a higher degree of board independence demonstrate better corporate governance. Independent directors not only protect shareholder rights but also promote compliance with regulations and the implementation of corporate social responsibility, thereby enhancing ESG performance. On the other hand, the literature provides mixed conclusions regarding companies where the chairman concurrently serves as the CEO. According to agency theory, role conflicts may weaken corporate social responsibility performance when the chairman also serves as the CEO. In contrast, stewardship theory suggests that granting sufficient power and trust to the CEO can improve managerial efficiency. This study empirically examines the applicability of these two theories.
    As for the moderating effect of high-pollution industries, such industries, being under heightened scrutiny from media and regulatory bodies, face greater pressure to execute ESG strategies and improve performance. In high-pollution industries, independent directors not only perform supervisory functions but also leverage their expertise to enhance corporate reputation. For companies in high-pollution industries where the chairman also serves as the CEO, the focus on ESG policies may increase to improve financial and market performance. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that high-pollution industries strengthen the relationship between board structure and ESG performance, encouraging more robust ESG practices.
    Using a sample of Taiwan-listed companies from 2019 to 2023, ESG ratings were employed as the measure of corporate ESG performance. The study selected board independence and whether the chairman concurrently serves as CEO as the main explanatory variables to analyze their impact on corporate ESG performance. Additionally, the study incorporated industry classification as a high-pollution industry as a moderating variable and examined the moderating effects of high-pollution industries through interaction terms of board independence and chairman-CEO duality with high-pollution industry classification.
    The empirical results indicate that higher board independence leads to better ESG performance, while chairman-CEO duality generally results in poorer ESG performance, supporting agency theory. For high-pollution industries, only the relationship between board independence and ESG performance exhibits significant moderating effects. A higher proportion of independent directors in high-pollution industries enhances ESG performance, aligning with the study's hypotheses.
    Additional tests reveal that within the ESG dimensions, corporate governance scores are significantly associated with board independence and chairman-CEO duality. Furthermore, high-pollution industries significantly moderate the relationship between board independence and social dimension scores, as well as the relationship between chairman-CEO duality and environmental and governance dimension scores.
    In conclusion, this study provides empirical evidence on the relationship between board structure and ESG performance and highlights the importance of board governance in high-pollution industries to enhance ESG outcomes.
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