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Title: | 實施週休三日之研究 A Study On The Four-day Working Week |
Authors: | 凌澤生 LING, ZE-SHENG |
Contributors: | 張其恆 Jhang, Ci-Heng 凌澤生 LING,ZE-SHENG |
Keywords: | 週休三日 縮短工時 工作與生活平衡 Four-day Workweek Reduction Of Work Hours Work-life Balance |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 15:42:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年隨著勞工意識抬頭,以及人們對於工作生活平衡的追求,有關週休三日的的討論如旋風般席捲世界各先進國家,歐洲也在近年針對週休三日制度進 行大規模實驗,越來越多的企業 隨之號召響應,然對於普遍存在高工時、 高壓力及低休假的臺灣就業環境來說,週休三日的概念可能過於新穎,甚至被認為是天方夜譚。因此本研究欲探討各國推動週休三日之經驗,並了解 我國相關行業若實施週休三日可能產生的問題。研究目的為 一、了解各 國政府及企業推動週休三日之經驗。二 、探討我國雇主及受僱者對週休三日之觀感,並了解實務上實施週休三日的困難點。 本研究以各界針對實施週休三日討論會議結論為基底,採用質性研究方 法以半結構式深度訪談4位不同行業別之受僱者及4位不同行業別之雇主作 為受訪者,除了探究受僱者及雇主對於實施週休三日的觀感,也進一步了解各行業實務上實施週休三日的考量點及困難為何。 研究結果發現不論是受僱者或是雇主,對於實施週休三日之看法仍相對保 守,尤其是製造業及小微企業,主要原因為人力的不足,以及可能直接造成生產力下降及訂單數量的不確定性致難以在工作時間上能有彈性的調配。 因此本研究在實施週休三日方面,針對政府機關及企業均提供相關建議, 如要實施,政府單位可參考新加坡作法,訂定相關指導原則提供指引,同時釋放誘因鼓勵企業自行參與企業也應就自身經營狀況詳細評估,並加強組織內部及客戶間的溝通並獲得支持後,開始試辦計畫。 In recent years, with the rise of labor consciousness and people's pursuit of work-life balance, more and more people are discussing the idea of a four-day workweek. However, in Taiwan, where high working hours, high pressure, and low vacation time are common in the employment environment, the concept of a four-day workweek may seem impossible. The research objectives are: (1) Understanding how governments and enterprises promote and implement a four-day workweek in different country. (2) Investigate the perceptions of employers and employees regarding to the four-day workweek, and understand the practical challenges in implementing a four-day workweek. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 4 employees and 4 employers from different industries. To exploring the perspectives of both employees and employers on the four-day workweek, further investigate the considerations and challenges of implementing a four-day workweek in various industries. The results showed that whether employee or employer are still conservative on implementing a four-day workweek. Additionally, this study also found that certain industries, such as manufacturing, and microenterprise with fewer employees are not easy to implement a four-day workweek. The main reasons include a lack of manpower, reducing of the productivity, and uncertainties in Customer order, making it difficult to have flexible work hours. This study provides several suggestions government can establish guidelines and encouraging voluntary participation by enterprises like Singapore. Enterprises should also conduct a assessment based on their own conditions and strengthen communication with employee and clients before starting the pilot program. |
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