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Title: | 科威特王國對美國、沙烏地阿拉伯與伊朗的小國避險外交 State of Kuwait’s Hedging Diplomacy toward the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Iran |
Authors: | 劉敬言 Liu, Ching-Yen |
Contributors: | 張景安 Chang, Ching-An 劉敬言 Liu, Ching-Yen |
Keywords: | 科威特 小國外交 避險 調解 美國 沙烏地阿拉伯 伊朗 Kuwait Small State Hedging Mediation the US Saudi Arabia Iran |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 15:28:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科威特王國是位於波斯灣沿岸的阿拉伯小國,憑藉著得天獨厚的地緣優勢與石油資源,薩巴赫家族在此治理了 200 餘年享盡繁榮光景,但也遭遇了諸多外部挑戰與威脅。作為一個小國應該如何捍衛主權是統治者的永恆命題,唯有如履薄冰的外交抉擇才能帶領國家走向安穩的未來。自1991年科威特戰後復國,伊拉克與伊朗即被科方視為主要威脅來源,為了防範兩伊潛在的風險,薩巴赫統治集團表面上以結盟美沙大國的方略作為威脅平衡手段,本質上則是以「避險」的損益思維展開外交佈局。而所謂避險即是小國以不完全合作或對抗的姿態與一個或多個立場相左的大國交往以達到規避風險的目的,這體現在科威特對美國、沙烏地阿拉伯、伊朗的交涉方法中尤甚,形成了單一與整體避險的樣態。
鑒於美國、沙國與伊朗在薩巴赫家族的外交避險思維中佔據的重要地位,本論文以郭清水的避險模型作為基礎,分析自1991年戰後至 2021年間科威特對美國、沙國與伊朗採取的的合作或抵抗的混和策略,以此理解避險如何能為小國保住平安並擴張國家利益。本研究的論點為,科威特對美國採取的扈從策略是它能夠施展外交避險的基礎前提,且扈從不盡然是下策;對沙國盟友則採取單一避險的姿態保持距離,小國調解雖未含於原模型中,但亦可視為一種避險手段;伊朗是威脅來源,科國政權以「進一步再退兩步」的外交步伐構成對伊的單一避險模式。而科國在該三國之間的應對進退也形成整體避險的狀態。回顧這30年來的科國外交歷程,可見它以避險的姿態規避掉大部分會引起大國敵對的意識形態衝突,呼應了薩巴赫統治集團以和為貴的外交中心思想。本研究的結論是避險策略有其靈活性,但是有侷限性,而調解也是一種避險手段。 The State of Kuwait, as one of the Arab small states, is located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. Āl Ṣabāḥ family has ruled this land for over 200 years, while also facing external threats. Iran and Iraq have been considered the main threat sources by Kuwait since it was liberated in 1991. In order to balance the threats of Iran and Iraq, The alliance with the United States and Saudi Arabia appears to be the primary means for the ruling family of Āl Ṣabāḥ. However, it’s merely the surface. The core of Kuwait’s foreign policy is the “hedging strategy.” The so-called diplomatic hedging refers to a small state resorting to mixed strategies of limited cooperation and balancing to deal with its issues with single or several great powers. The diplomatic hedging can be classified into single hedging and overall hedging. For Kuwait, its interactions with the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Iran best reflect its hedging diplomacy.
Given the importance of the US, Saudi Arabia, and Iran in the framework of Āl Ṣabāḥ family’s hedging diplomacy, this study analyzes Kuwait’s relations with these three great powers from 1991 to 2021 based on Kuik Cheng-Chwee’s spectrum. According to the arguments presented in this study, the bandwagoning strategy toward the US is the cornerstone for Kuwait to implement its hedging diplomacy, and bandwagoning is not always the least favored option for small states. The single hedging strategy is applied in Kuwait's relationship with its close ally, Saudi Arabia, in order to maintain a degree of distance. The mediation is not elaborated in the original spectrum of Kuik Cheng-Chwee, but can still be recognized as one of the hedging strategies. As for Kuwait’s threat source, Iran, the ruling family adopts the “one step forward, two steps back” approach as its single hedging strategy. Kuwait’s behavior among these three great powers can be deemed overall hedging. This study concludes that the hedging strategy is flexible, but it also has limitations. |
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