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    Title: 立陶宛與匈牙利對中政策之轉變
    Changes in Lithuania and Hungary’s China Policies
    Authors: 陳意勝
    Chen, Yi-Sheng
    Contributors: 連弘宜
    Lien, Hong-Yi
    Chen, Yi-Sheng
    Keywords: CECC
    17+1 Initiative
    Neoclassical Realism
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:21:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國推動之中國-中東歐國家合作計畫(Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, 簡稱 CECC)試圖與中東歐國家建立經貿 之合作關係,但自 2021 年起,立陶宛、拉脫維亞與愛沙尼亞紛紛退出該合作計 畫,而同樣為中歐成員的匈牙利卻依然對中國抱持堅定的支持立場。本研究目的 為探討中東歐國家對中國不同立場的原因,並且利用文獻分析法,結合官方資料、 學術期刊及網路上集結之資源,個案討論 2012 年至 2021 年間退出 CECC 的吹 哨者立陶宛以及持堅定友中立場之匈牙利在此經貿合作架構下之外交政策。研究 時間範圍選取 2012 年至 2021 年之緣由在於,2012 年為中國-中東歐國家合作計 畫的創立年,且匈牙利與立陶宛皆為 CECC 架構的創始國,因此以 2012 年為研 究開端可觀察同為創始會員國之兩國在後續發展中的轉變。以 2021 年作為研究 範圍之結束年份在於立陶宛於同年宣佈退出 CECC 架構,並後續帶動鄰近之國 家拉脫維亞與愛沙尼亞退出,可視為立陶宛對中政策轉變後最巨大的變動。

    本文回顧過去研究對於 CECC 架構產生的貿易、投資與政治上的影響、領導 人因素以及民主化程度,發現影響一國政策的主要關鍵為領導人對於國家安全設 計的差異,立陶宛逐漸遠離中國的契機在於美國與歐盟對於中國的態度已經轉變, 而美國又是維護波羅的海地區安全的重要角色,造成立陶宛也隨之進行外交政策 上的調整;而匈牙利則因重視經貿安全而加強與中國的合作,伴隨著疑歐主義、 民粹主義的影響之下,匈牙利將軍事安全與經濟安全分離,北約與中國分別扮演 匈牙利傳統國家安全與新興國家安全的重心,也因此立陶宛在後續的外交政策中 會呈現扈從美國的傾向,而匈牙利則是在新古典現實主義的外交政策光譜中,逐 漸往同時與新興國家與既有強權維持互動的避險政策移動。
    The Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CECC), initiated in 2012, sought to enhance economic and trade relationships between China and Central and Eastern European nations. However, in 2021, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia withdrew from this initiative, while Hungary maintained a strong pro- China stance. This study examines the underlying factors behind these divergent foreign policy approaches by focusing on Lithuania, the first country to exit the CECC framework, and Hungary, a key supporter of the initiative. By employing document analysis and reviewing official records, academic publications, and online data, the research explores the diplomatic strategies of these two nations within the CECC framework from 2012 to 2021.

    The findings suggest that the primary determinant of foreign policy divergence lies in national leadership's differing interpretations of security priorities. Lithuania's distancing from China aligns with the shifting stances of the United States and the European Union, emphasizing NATO's strategic importance and closer cooperation with U.S. foreign policies countering China's influence. Conversely, Hungary’s engagement with China is rooted in its “Eastern Opening” policy, skepticism towards the European Union, and populist-nationalist governance. These factors enabled Hungary to prioritize economic cooperation with China while decoupling it from military security concerns. As a result, Lithuania increasingly mirrors U.S. foreign policy, while Hungary adopts a hedging strategy, interacting with both emerging and established powers within the structure of neoclassical realism.
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