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Title: | 《七天》——心象攝影創作論述 《Seven Days》 |
Authors: | 徐樂鈞 Xu, Le-Jun |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 游本寬 Huang, Wei-Wei Yu, Pen-Kuan 徐樂鈞 Xu, Le-Jun |
Keywords: | 陸生 跨文化 心象攝影 Mainland Chinese students Cross-cultural Mind image photography |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 15:17:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2017 年,我以大陸學生的身份來到了台灣,在這裡度過了七年的美好時光,也經歷了跨文化生活的考驗與挑戰,如今,到了該回去的時候。
由於兩岸政策限制,陸生在畢業後不得留在台灣工作,此外,自2019年8月1日起,大陸方面全面暫停申請及核發赴台自由行通行證。一波未平一波又起,2020 年初的新冠疫情,讓全世界陷入了恐慌與混亂,兩岸的關係也未能倖免,由於疫情和政治,如今陸客只能通過商務、探親或是第三方入台,也就是說,絕大部分大陸人民是無法出入台灣的。
這片承載了我七年青春歲月的土地,幾乎是我的第二故鄉,可我畢業回去後或許再也無法重回。本創作藉由心象攝影來傳達這份深沈、無奈又充滿愛的情感。 In 2017, I came to Taiwan as a student from mainland China. I spent seven wonderful years here, experiencing the challenges and trials of cross-cultural living. Now, it is time for me to return.
Due to cross-strait policy restrictions, mainland students are not allowed to stay and work in Taiwan after graduation. Moreover, since August 1, 2019, mainland authorities have completely suspended the application and issuance of permits for individual travel to Taiwan. One challenge followed another, and in early 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic plunged the entire world into fear and chaos, with cross-strait relations being no exception. As a result of the pandemic and political factors, mainland Chinese citizens can now only enter Taiwan through business, family visits, or third-party arrangements. In other words, the vast majority of people from mainland China are unable to travel to and from Taiwan.
This place, which has carried seven years of my youth, is almost like my second homeland. Yet after I graduate and return, I may never be able to come back again. Through this creation, I use Mind image photography to convey these deep, helpless, yet love-filled emotions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 110464068 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110464068 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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