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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 臺灣史研究所 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/155018
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    Title: 韓國的台灣認識--以《朝鮮日報》的社論報導為中心
    South Korea's Perception of Taiwan: Focused on Chosun IIbo Editorials
    Authors: 金慧賢
    Kim, Hye-Hyeon
    Contributors: 林果顯
    Lin, Guo-Sian
    Kim, Hye-Hyeon
    Keywords: 朝鮮日報
    Chosun llbo
    Perception of Taiwan
    Taiwan-Korea Relations
    Cold War
    Taiwan's Democratization
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 12:14:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本論文旨在分析 1950 年至 1999 年,韓國社會中形成的對臺灣認識之變變化,主要透過韓國代表性報紙《朝鮮日報》的社論進行研究,探討韓國與臺灣在政治方面的互動如何形成與其發展過程。
      1950 年至 1975 年,本研究聚焦於冷戰體制影響下,臺灣與韓國作為反共盟友的角色展開合作關係時期,並分析此期間中華人民共和國國際地位的變化,如何形塑韓國對臺灣的認識。1976 年至 1987 年,研究以臺灣經濟成長與民主化進程及美中建交,對韓國社會與媒體的影響為核心。同時,臺灣於解嚴與民主化過程中展現的重大政治與經濟變化,亦反映在於韓國社會與媒體的論述之中。1988 年至 1999 年,隨著韓中建交及臺韓斷交,南北韓局勢之發展使臺灣在韓國外交中的定位重新被詮釋。
    This thesis aims to analyze changes in South Korean society's perception of Taiwan from 1950 to 1999, primarily through editorials from the representative South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo. It explores how the political interactions between South Korea and Taiwan were formed and developed during this period.
     From 1950 to 1975, the study focuses on the period when Taiwan and South Korea, as anti-communist allies within the framework of the Cold War system, established cooperative relations. lt also examines how the changes in the international status of the People's Republic of China during this period shaped South Korea's perception of Taiwan. From 1976 to 1987, the research centers on the impact of Taiwan's economic growth, democratization process, and the normalization of U.S.-China relations on South Korean society and media. At the same time, Taiwan's significant political and economic transformations during the transition away from martial law and toward democratization, were reflected in South Korean media discourse. From 1988 to 1999, as diplomatic relations between South Korea and China were established and South Korea broke off relations with Taiwan, the development of the inter-Korean situation led to a redefinition of Taiwan's position in South Korean foreign policy.
     Through the above analysis, this thesis re-examines Taiwan-South Korea relations in the context of the Cold War and post-Cold War international order in East Asia, examines how Chosun Ilbo editorials reflected this process and its evolving significance. Additionally, the thesis aims to understand the significance of Taiwan to South Korea, as well as provide a new perspective and basis for understanding Taiwan-South Korea relations within the broader framework of the two countries' diplomatic relations and the situation on the Korean Peninsula. 
    Reference: (依筆劃排列)

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    Description: 碩士
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