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    Title: 主管八卦是個管理策略嗎? 主管八卦與華人領導之研究
    Is Supervisor Gossip being Managerial Strategy? The Study of Supervisor Gossip and Chinese Leadership
    Authors: 鄭乔吟
    Cheng, Chiao-Yin
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Kuo, Chien-Chih
    Cheng, Chiao-Yin
    Keywords: 主管八卦
    Supervisor gossip
    Paternalistic leadership
    Attachment to the supervisor,
    Organizational citizenship behavior-organization
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 12:07:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 回顧先前研究,主管八卦多著重於正負向八卦對部屬所造成的影響,忽略八卦範疇及八卦與領導之間的研究,且近幾年少有研究針對主管作為八卦傳遞者之研究對象。主管在職場上擁有正式的管理權,可以透過八卦來操弄部屬的知覺與看法,因此被認為在訊息傳遞方面更具有主動性,透過更積極地參與或引導八卦的流通,可將其視為一種管理策略以達到他們的特定目標。因此,開啟了本研究的研究焦點,以整合性觀點融合八卦數價與範疇,根據社會訊息處理理論為觀點,將主管八卦視為一種社會線索,探討主管傳遞不同類型八卦(關係型、激勵型、惡意型與規範型),部屬如何編碼、知覺、意義化建構與歸因所接受的八卦訊息內容及如何影響部屬領導風格知覺(專權領導、尚嚴領導、仁慈領導與德行領導),進而影響部屬對主管依附關係與利組織公民行為。本研究將採用問卷調查法,蒐集兩階段主管與部屬資料,共計回收有效資料主管99筆、部屬454筆。本研究以Mplus 8.3進行路徑分析並控制巢套作用以檢驗假設是否成立。研究結果發現:(1)工作相關之激勵型主管八卦會正向影響部屬德行領導知覺及規範型主管八卦會正向影響部屬尚嚴領導知覺;而非工作相關之關係型主管八卦與部屬仁慈領導知覺及惡意型主管八卦與部屬專權領導知覺皆無顯著關聯。(2)激勵型主管八卦可以透過部屬的德行領導知覺正向影響對主管依附;然而,其餘中介機制效果皆不顯著。本研究進一步分析所得結果對理論與實務的貢獻、研究限制以及其所帶來的意涵。
    Previous research on supervisors' gossip has primarily focused on the valence impacts of gossip on subordinates, neglecting the domain impacts of gossip and its relationship with leadership. Moreover, recent studies seldom consider supervisors as gossip transmitters. Given their formal managerial authority in the workplace, supervisors can manipulate subordinates' perceptions and opinions through gossip, making them more proactive in information dissemination. By actively participating in or guiding gossip flow, supervisors can utilize gossip as a management strategy to achieve specific objectives. This study integrates the valence and domain of gossip from a social information processing theory perspective, viewing supervisors' gossip as a social cue, exploring how different types of gossip (relational, inspirational, malicious, and normative) are encoded, perceived, interpreted, and attributed by subordinates, and how this affects their perceptions of leadership styles (juan-chiuan, shang-yan, benevolent, and moral leadership). Consequently, it examines the influence on subordinates' attachment to their supervisors and organizational citizenship behavior. This study adopts a questionnaire survey method, collecting data from both supervisors and subordinates in two phases, resulting in 99 valid supervisor responses and 454 valid subordinate responses. The analysis is conducted using Mplus 8.3, with path analysis controlling for nesting effects to test the hypotheses. The research findings indicate that (1) inspirational gossip positively influences subordinates' perceptions of moral leadership, and normative gossip also positively enhances their perceptions of shang-yan leadership. In contrast, relational gossip shows no significant association with subordinates' perceptions of benevolent leadership, nor does malicious gossip relate significantly to perceptions of juan-chiuan leadership. (2) Furthermore, inspirational gossip can positively affect subordinates' attachment to their supervisors by shaping their perceptions of moral leadership. However, the effects of other mediation mechanisms do not reach statistical significance. The study further explores the theoretical and practical contributions, limitations, and implications of the findings.
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