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    Title: 「過程焦點vs.結果焦點」對提升網路向上社會比較正面影響的效果差異
    Enhancing Positive Outcomes of Online Upward Social Comparison : The Role of Process Focus vs. Outcome Focus
    Authors: 邱暐婷
    Chiu, Wei-Ting
    Contributors: 孫蒨如
    Sun, Chien-Ru
    Chiu, Wei-Ting
    Keywords: 網路向上社會比較
    Online upward social comparison
    Upward social comparison
    Attention focus
    Process focus
    Outcome focus
    Perceived attainability
    Positive emotions
    Negative emotions
    Self-improvement intentions
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 12:06:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在社群網站中,我們經常看到他人分享美好的經歷或重大成就,而導致「網路向上社會比較」的現象,本研究則試圖了解如何能讓網路向上社會比較產生正面的影響。由於 Instagram(IG)是目前廣受年輕世代喜愛的社群網站,人們也時常在 IG 上發佈正向動態,故本研究旨在探討面對這類比較資訊時,個人將關注焦點置於比較對象取得優勢的過程或結果,對於個體本身的情緒、自我評價與自我改善意圖所可能造成的影響差異。同時,考量社群網站上多元的互動對象,本研究也納入比較對象相似性做探討。研究一採取2(關注焦點:過程焦點/結果焦點)× 2(比較對象相似性:高/低)參與者間設計,探討在面對相似程度不同之比較對象的正向動態,個人聚焦思考對方取得優勢的過程或結果時,對於情緒、自我評價與自我改善意圖的影響,以及感知可及性的可能中介作用。研究二則在比較對象為高相似的情境下,進一步探討關注過程中不同因素所可能造成的影響,採單因子(關注焦點:可控過程/不可控過程/結果焦點)參與者間設計,以嘗試對過程焦點的影響因素有更深入的了解。而本研究結果揭示了過程焦點,特別是可控過程焦點的優勢性。詳細而言,相較於結果焦點或不可控過程焦點,在面對網路向上社會比較時採取可控過程焦點,可有效提升感知可及性,進而對個人的情緒、自我評價及自我改善意圖產生正面影響。同時,比較對象相似性具有明顯的調節作用,亦即在面對像是同齡好友這類高相似性的比較對象時,不同關注焦點的影響差異更為顯著,而面對像是網紅這類低相似性的比較對象時則無此效果。
    On social networking sites (SNS), users frequently share positive experiences or major achievements, often leading to "online upward social comparison." This study investigates strategies to cultivate positive outcomes from such comparisons, focusing on the role of attention focus—whether directed at the "process" or the "outcome" of the comparative target’s achievements—and the moderating influence of target similarity. Given Instagram’s (IG) popularity among younger generations, where positive updates are commonly shared, this research explores how attention focus affects individuals’ emotions, self-evaluations, and self-improvement intentions. Study 1 employed a 2 (attention focus: process vs. outcome) × 2 (target similarity: high vs. low) between-subjects design to examine the impact of attention focus and target similarity on emotional responses, self-evaluations, and self-improvement intentions, as well as the mediating role of perceived attainability. Study 2 further investigated the nuances of process focus in high-similarity contexts through a single-factor (attention focus: controllable process, uncontrollable process, or outcome) between-subjects design. Findings highlight the benefits of adopting a process-focused approach, particularly a controllable process focus. Compared to outcome focus or uncontrollable process focus, controllable process focus significantly enhanced perceived attainability, leading to improved emotional responses, higher self-evaluations, and stronger self-improvement intentions. Additionally, target similarity moderated these effects, with greater benefits observed in high-similarity comparisons (e.g., peers or friends) and diminished effects in low-similarity contexts (e.g., influencers or public figures). These results underscore the importance of attention focus and target similarity in fostering constructive outcomes from online upward social comparisons.
    Reference: 財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(2022年7月)。2022年台灣網路報告。財團法人台灣網路資訊中心網路使用調查網站。https://report.twnic.tw/2022/assets/download/TWNIC_TaiwanInternetReport_2022_CH.pdf
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