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    Title: 德國在俄烏戰爭中的外交政策變化研究
    A Study on the Changes of Germany’s Foreign Policy in the Russo-Ukrainian War
    Authors: 林映中
    Lin, Ying-Chung
    Contributors: 蘇卓馨
    Su, Cho-Hsin
    Lin, Ying-Chung
    Keywords: 德國外交政策
    Germany’s foreign policy
    Russo-Ukrainian war
    Neo-classical realism
    Domestic Politics
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:57:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2022年2月24日,俄軍跨越了俄烏邊境,暴露了普丁對權力的野望。烏克蘭之所以能力抗俄羅斯的軍事優勢,主要是因為西方盟國的持續援助。德國作為僅次於美國的第二大援助盟友,提供烏克蘭許多強力的重型武器,但卻同時面臨缺乏誠意和過於猶豫的批評。俄烏戰爭被視為德國外交政策的轉折點,總理蕭茲將其形容為「時代轉折」或「分水嶺」,自此之後德國外交政策便是學界與媒體的關注焦點。

    On February 24, 2022, Russian forces crossed the Russia-Ukraine border, revealing Putin’s ambition for influence and power. One key reason Ukraine has been able to fend off the Russian onslaught—despite Russia's apparent military advantage—is the continued support from Ukraine's Western allies. Germany, the second largest aid provider after the US, has supplied several powerful pieces of heavy weaponry to the Ukrainian armed forces. However, Germany has also faced criticism for its perceived half-heartedness and hesitancy. The Russo-Ukrainian War marked a turning point in German foreign policy, described by Chancellor Olaf Scholz as a "Zeitenwende," or "watershed moment." Since then, the shifts in Germany's foreign policy and its stance on Ukraine have become focal points for researchers and the media.

    This article seeks to examine the shifts in German foreign policy and the reasons behind them. While neorealists often attribute policy changes to system-level pressures, treating international factors as the primary explanatory variable. Germany’s case diverges from this model due to its caution and uncertainty in executing balancing measures amidst a relative power shift towards Russia. Instead, this article applies neo-classical realism as a theoretical framework, reintroducing domestic and individual factors into foreign policy analysis. Through document analysis, this article finds that two of Germany's six key policy traditions—“pacifism” and “Ostpolitik”—have undergone significant changes, albeit accompanied by hesitancy. Moreover, while the war has pushed Germany towards a balancing policy, domestic factors—such as public opinion, party politics, and strategic cilture—have restrained it from acting too aggressively. In other words, “Innenpolitik” (domestic politics) has led Germany to pursue cautious, partial, and hesitant foreign policy changes.
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