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Title: | 霍布斯思想:「科學」、「宗教」、「政治」的三位一體 Hobbes's Thought: Trinity of Science, Religion and Politics |
Authors: | 簡宏洋 Chien, Hung-Yang |
Contributors: | 周家瑜 Chou, Chia-Yu 簡宏洋 Chien, Hung-Yang |
Keywords: | 霍布斯 科學史 基督教神學 Hobbes History of science Christian theology |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-01-02 11:57:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現有研究對霍布斯思想中「科學」概念的分析,長期受到兩種傳統的影響:19世紀開始的唯物實證科學,以及以Skinner為首的修辭學詮釋。這導致霍布斯的「科學」成為一套與基督教神學對立的純粹理論性知識,無涉於政治行動。本文在這些現有研究的前提上,試圖以思想史的脈絡主義方法為基礎,並援引科學史領域的研究成果,重新檢討現有研究看待《利維坦》政治思想當中「科學」概念的方式。我將指出,對霍布斯而言,知識上的確定性和政治秩序的穩定是等價的命題,在這個意義上《利維坦》的「科學」本身即是一種政治行動方案。此外,霍布斯的科學觀背後預設一套「亞當墮落敘事」,以及受新教改革影響的聖經詮釋學方法。換言之,《利維坦》當中的科學並非和基督教對立,霍布斯提倡的「新科學」自始便有著基督教神學基礎,倘若抽離這些基督教神學的元素,我們將無法完整讀懂《利維坦》中的「科學」。 Recent studies on the concept of "science" in Hobbes's thought have long been shaped by two traditions: one is positivist and materialist interpretation of science since the 19th century, and the other is the rhetorical interpretation by Quentin Skinner. These approaches often portray Hobbes’s "Science" as purely theoretical knowledge, opposing Christian theology and separate from political action. Based on these findings, the aim of this thesis is to adopt the contextualist methodology, incorporating insights from the history of science, to revisit how we understand "science" in Hobbes’s political thought.
In my thesis, I argue that, for Hobbes, the certainty of scientific knowledge and the stability of political order are closely linked. In this sense, "Civil Science" in Leviathan is a part of Hobbes’s political action. Additionally, Hobbes’s view of science was rooted in "the narrative of Adam’s fall" and a specific form of biblical hermeneutics shaped by the Protestant Reformation. In conclusion, the "science" in Leviathan is not opposed to Christianity; rather, it has its own theological foundations. Without recognizing these foundations, we cannot fully understand the "science" in Leviathan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 110252003 |
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