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Title: | 從國軍睦鄰措施對地方民眾之影響分析 - 以陸軍北部地區單位為例 The Impact Analysis of Neighboring Measures by the Military of R.O.C. on Local Residents - A Case Study of a Certain Army Unit in the Northern Region |
Authors: | 林嵩峻 Lin, Sung-Chun |
Contributors: | 白仁德 Pai, Jen-Te 林嵩峻 Lin, Sung-Chun |
Keywords: | 鄰避效應 睦鄰措施 重要性-表現性分析法 偏最小平方法結構方程模型 NIMBY effect Neighboring Measures IPA PLS-SEM |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-01-02 11:35:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國防部為取得國防事務工作順遂與地方民意支持的平衡下,透過睦鄰措施的方式來與地方居民取得共識,使地方居民能支持居家環境週遭軍事場址相關作業。然而,在年度睦鄰預算節節升高、擴大用途的趨勢中,是否能有效消弭地方軍民對居家周遭附近軍事場址厭惡,提升地方居民滿意度,藉以提升軍民關係,是為本研究之動機。 因此,本研究主要探討從國軍睦鄰措施對地方民眾之影響分析,以陸軍油料、彈藥設施等單位場址為範疇,採用問卷調查與深度訪談的方式,蒐集地方居民對於地方上睦鄰措施的認知、滿意度與重視程度、軍事機關對於睦鄰措施的想法與觀點。首先透過重要性-表現性分析法(IPA)方式分析居民對睦鄰措施的滿意程度與重視程度,據以作為提升改進之依據;後續搭配使用偏最小平方法的結構方程模型(PLS-SEM)探討睦鄰措施認知、滿意程度及重視程度之間的關聯性;最後運用深度訪談方式對軍事機關承辦人員訪談,並彙整其觀點。 研究結果顯示,地方居民對鄰避設施的不良觀感,藉由睦鄰措施的回饋與執行,可有效消弭部分負面情緒。當地方居民對睦鄰措施的認知程度越高,其重視程度與滿意程度會產生顯著正面影響。然而,受限於宣傳效果的不足,導致部分民眾不太清楚其睦鄰措施具體內容,進而降低相關認知程度、重視程度、滿意程度等指標。另外對於整體睦鄰措施的執行成效,以地方居民的觀點來評價,現行地方政府部分施政措施與地方民眾的期待是有相當大程度落差,顯現在未來仍然有精進與改善的空間,以使相關資源發揮最大之效益性。 基此,本研究提出結論與建議,包括宣傳效果的加強與擴大、睦鄰措施著重於生活品質改善、軍方稽核制度的修正等項目,以提升整體認知程度與滿意程度。本研究希冀能為相關機關提供政策參考依據,期盼後續睦鄰措施的運用能更為貼近地方民眾,使軍方、地方鄉鎮公所與地方民眾能達成雙贏和諧的局面。 The Ministry of National Defense seeks to balance effective defense operations with local public support by employing neighborly measures to reach a consensus with local residents. This approach aims to garner support for military activities surrounding residential areas. However, as the annual budget for neighborly measures continues to rise and expand in purpose, the effectiveness of these measures in alleviating local resentment towards nearby military sites and enhancing resident satisfaction becomes a key motivation for this study. This research primarily analyzes the impact of military neighborly measures on local communities, focusing on military sites such as army fuel and ammunition depots. It employs surveys and in-depth interviews to gather local residents' perceptions, satisfaction levels, and priorities regarding these measures, as well as the viewpoints of military agencies on them. Initially, the study utilizes IPA to assess residents' satisfaction and importance levels concerning neighborly measures, serving as a basis for improvement. Subsequently, it employs PLS-SEM to explore the relationships among awareness, satisfaction, and importance of these measures. Finally, in-depth interviews are conducted with military personnel involved in implementing these measures to compile their perspectives. The study's findings indicate that local residents' negative perceptions of nearby facilities can be effectively mitigated through feedback and implementation of neighborly measures. As residents' awareness of these measures increases, their perceived importance and satisfaction also show significant positive impacts. However, limited promotional effectiveness has resulted in some residents being unclear about the specific content of these measures, thereby reducing their awareness, importance, and satisfaction levels. Additionally, from the perspective of local residents evaluating the overall execution of neighborly measures, there exists a considerable gap between current government policies and community expectations, indicating potential areas for improvement. In summary, this study presents conclusions and recommendations including enhancing promotional effectiveness, focusing neighborly measures on improving quality of life, and revising military auditing systems to boost overall awareness and satisfaction. It is hoped that this research can provide relevant agencies with a policy reference framework and that future implementations of neighborly measures will be more aligned with local community needs, fostering a win-win harmonious situation among the military, local governments, and residents. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 112921310 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0112921310 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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