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    Title: 檢視台灣東南亞移民新聞媒體 框架中的意識形態傾向:語意網路分析方法
    Examining Ideological Slant in News Media Framing of Southeast Asian Migrant Workers in Taiwan: A Semantic Network Analysis Approach
    Authors: 郝海樂
    Hall, Hayle
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Chen, Katherine
    Hall, Hayle
    Keywords: 語意網路分析
    Semantic Network Analysis
    Migrant Workers
    Ideological Slant
    Media and Migration
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-12-02 11:22:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This thesis explores the influence of ideological slant on Taiwanese news media framing of Southeast Asian migrant workers, employing semantic network analysis to examine public discourse in two major online newspapers: the Liberty Times and United Daily News. Against the backdrop of Taiwan’s aging crisis and labor shortages, the study investigates how media coverage reflects and shapes socio-political relationships between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Analyzing 2,954 articles published from 2016 to 2023, it identifies dominant frames, modular sub-communities, and the strength of their linguistic compositions. The findings reveal a dynamic interplay of ideological stances: progressive-leaning media, while primarily employing progressive frames, also incorporate conservative narratives, and conservative-leaning media occasionally adopt progressive perspectives. This suggests an ideological “shift” rather than a strict “slant,” as media strategically adopt frames associated with their ideological counterparts. By integrating computational content analysis with framing theory, the study highlights the critical role of media in shaping public perceptions of migrants within Taiwan’s distinct sociocultural and geopolitical context. It advances migration studies and framing theory by introducing a nuanced methodological approach and addressing gaps in East Asian migration research. The findings offer valuable insights for policymaking, labor rights advocacy, and fostering more balanced media narratives in Taiwan.
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