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    Title: 組織透明度與員工行為:組織正義的中介及權力距離的調節角色研究
    Organizational Transparency and Employee Behavior: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice and The Moderating Role of Individual-Level Power Distance
    Authors: 蔡濰仲
    Tsai, Wei-Jung
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Kuo, Chien-Chih
    Tsai, Wei-Jung
    Keywords: 組織透明度
    Organizational transparency
    Organizational justice
    Power distance
    Workplace deviance
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:31:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著勞權意識的抬頭以及資訊科技的發達促使社會及勞工群體對組織透明度需求日漸增長,從西方到東方都都可以藉由許多政策改變及社會訴求觀察到訴請組織透明度提高之現象,但此議題在過往組織研究中屬於較為新穎的研究主題,且討論的範圍較僅限於組織透明度對員工情感反應的關係及影響,本研究從更宏觀的角度探索組織透明度對員工行為的關係及影響,所以進一步聚焦於瞭解員工的組織透明度知覺是否會經由其組織正義知覺影響其組織公民行為與職場偏差行為。最後,本研究加入了個人層級權力距離的調解角色,來試圖拓展解釋不同傾向的員工族群的組織透明度知覺對組織正義關係的影響差異。

    With rising labor rights awareness and advancements in information technology, the demand for organizational transparency has grown globally. Although this topic is relatively new in organizational research and typically focuses on the emotional responses of employees, this study takes a broader approach to explore the impact of organizational transparency on employee behavior. Specifically, it examines whether employees' perceptions of organizational transparency affect their OCBO and workplace deviant behaviors through their perceptions of organizational justice, and the study also considers the moderating role of power distance.
    This study adopted questionnaire survey method, collected 261 valid responses in two stages. Results show that employees' perceptions of organizational transparency positively correlate with all three types of organizational justice. Distributive justice mediates the relationship between organizational transparency and OCBO and also workplace deviant behaviors including personal deviance and organizational deviance. Procedural justice mediates the relationship between organizational transparency and OCBO but not the relationship with workplace deviant behaviors. Information justice mediates the relationship between organizational transparency and OCBO and also interpersonal deviance, though it does not support organizational deviance. And power distance does not moderate the relationship between organizational transparency and organizational justice. Lastly, the study concludes with discussions on the results, limitations, practical and research contributions, and future research directions.

    Keywords: Organizational transparency, Organizational justice, Power distance, OCBO, Workplace deviance
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