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    Title: 私有古蹟保存的「被古蹟」現象:審議民主系統取向中的行政視角
    The “Forced Historic Site” Phenomenon in Preservation of Private Historic Sites: An Administrative Perspective within the Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy
    Authors: 謝孟樺
    Hsieh, Meng-Hua
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong-Yi
    Hsieh, Meng-Hua
    Keywords: 文化資產治理與協力
    governance and collaboration in cultural heritage
    private historic sites
    forced historic site
    cultural heritage review
    Deliberative Systems
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:05:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在我國的私有古蹟保存議題上,長年存在著名為「被古蹟」的現象——私所有人伴隨著「資訊的不對等」,以及私所有人之間的「意見整合困難」,私有的民宅或古厝最終在無法獲得應有補償的情況下「被迫成為古蹟」。然而歷經了近三十年的調整,在制度已然合理化的當今,私有古蹟為何仍無法「有效保存」?藉此,本研究藉由對於私有古蹟保存制度變遷之歷史研究,結合基隆市定古蹟「修竹居」之個案研究,進而發現私有古蹟保存的「被古蹟」現象是由「歷史造成的古蹟容積移轉不易達成」,再加上「私有古蹟保存決策場的失靈與修補」,如此交織而形成的。基於前述發現,本研究提出幾項建議:透過「文化教育的改善」以促進公民社會的文化意識提升;容積移轉相關法規與機制的全面性檢討並拓展其他文化資產保存施政財務來源;設置「後設審議機制」的獨立查核小組或委員會以提升審議品質;辦理「文化資產保存創新公共審議活動」與設立「文化資產保存中介組織」,進而促進公民社會的溝通;研議「被古蹟」案例解除「古蹟身份」的新機制。藉此,透過本研究的五項建議,冀盼未來能使得「被古蹟」現象消除,並促進私有古蹟的「有效保存」。
    In the issue of preserving private historic sites in our country, there has long been a phenomenon known as "forced historic site"—where private owners, facing "information asymmetry" and "difficulty in reaching consensus" among owners, ultimately find their private houses or ancient residences "forced into becoming historic sites" without adequate compensation. Despite nearly thirty years of adjustments and the rationalization of the current system, why is it that private historic sites still cannot be "effectively preserved"? To explore this, the study conducts historical research on the institutional changes in the preservation of private historic sites, complemented by a case study of the designated historic site "Xiuzhuju" in Keelung City. The study finds that the "forced historic site" phenomenon in private historic sites preservation arises from "Transferable Development Rights for historic sites, difficult to implement due to historical factors" combined with "failures and repairs in the decision-making field of private historic sites preservation," creating a complex situation. Based on these findings, the study presents several recommendations: enhancing "cultural education" to improve cultural awareness within civil society; comprehensive review of the regulations and mechanisms relating to Transferable Development Rights and expanding other financial sources of governance for the preservation of cultural heritage; forming independent audit teams or committees as part of a "meta-deliberation mechanism" to elevate the quality of deliberations; organizing "innovative public deliberation activities for cultural heritage preservation" and establishing "intermediary organizations for cultural heritage preservation" to foster communication within civil society; and discussing a new mechanism for removing "historic sites status" from cases of "forced historic site." Through these five recommendations, it is anticipated that the phenomenon of "forced historic site" can be eradicated in the future, thereby promoting the "effective preservation" of private historic sites.
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