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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153915
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    Title: 適用於二次算術程式的見證加密方案
    A Witness Encryption for Quadratic Arithmetic Programs
    Authors: 吳宇宸
    Wu, Yu-Chen
    Contributors: 左瑞麟
    Tso, Raylin
    Wu, Yu-Chen
    Keywords: 見證加密
    Witness encryption
    Witness key encapsulation mechanism
    Quadratic arithmetic programs
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-10-04 10:47:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文討論了見證加密(Witness Encryption,WE),這是一種在 2013 年提出的加密方案。其概念是利用 NP 語言中的陳述(Statement)進行加密,並通過見證(Witness)進行解密。例如,考慮一個驗證問題 \( y \overset{?}{=} H(x) \)。針對這一問題的見證加密方案允許加密者使用任意 \( y \) 進行加密,並且知道滿足該問題的 \( x \) 的解密者可以進行解密。見證加密可以用於構建多種密碼學原語,如非對稱加密的一般化和屬性加密(Attribute-Based Encryption)等。

    在近期的研究中,我們發現目前可用的見證加密方案有尚待解決的問題:在加密開始前,需要有某一方知道對應的見證,並從此見證產生其他資訊,並使加密者以此資訊進行解密。例如在前述的問題中,$x$ 需先被用於 $H(x)$ 後,方得將 $y$ 用於加密。這使得見證加密方案的可利用性受限,因為在一些驗證問題中,預先知道見證是不可行的。例如在基於時間加密中,任一方無法得知僅在未來才能得知的資訊以開始加密。

    在本研究中,我們設計了一種適用於二次算術程式(Quadratic Arithmetic Programs,QAP)的見證加密方案。該方案允許加密者使用 QAP 和一組陳述(公開輸入)進行加密,使得知道見證(滿足該 QAP 的一組非公開輸入)的人可以解密。這個方案的一個顯著特點是它不需要任何一方預先知道見證,因此可以應用於更多的情境中。此外,我們基於現有的開源軟體,實作了我們方案的概念驗證。

    我們的設計靈感來自於一個被證明安全且廣泛使用的 zkSNARK 方案,我們證明了在該 zkSNARK 是安全的假設下,我們的方案滿足安全性要求。
    This paper discusses Witness Encryption (WE), a type of encryption scheme introduced in 2013. The concept involves encrypting a message using a statement from an NP language and decrypting it with a witness. For instance, consider a verification problem where $y \overset{?}{=} H(x) $. A witness encryption scheme for this problem allows an encryptor to encrypt with any $y$, and a decryptor knowing $x$ satisfying the problem can decrypt the message. Witness encryption can be used to construct various cryptographic primitives, such as a generalization of public-key encryption and Attribute-Based Encryption.

    Recent research has revealed limitations in existing witness encryption schemes: they require a party to know the corresponding witness before encryption begins, using this witness to generate information necessary for encryption. For example, in the aforementioned problem, $x$ must first be used to compute $H(x)$ before $y$ can be used for encryption. This restricts the applicability of witness encryption schemes, as knowing the witness in advance is not feasible in some verification problems. For instance, in time-based encryption, no party can obtain information that will only be known in the future to initiate encryption.

    In this work, we design a witness encryption scheme for Quadratic Arithmetic Programs (QAPs). Our scheme allows an encryptor to use a QAP and a set of statements (public input) for encryption, enabling decryption by someone who knows the witness (a set of private inputs) that satisfies the QAP. A notable feature of our scheme is that it does not require any party to know the witness in advance, making it applicable in more diverse scenarios. Besides, we implemented a proof of concept for our scheme based on existing open-source software.

    Our design is inspired by a proven secure and widely used zkSNARK scheme, and we demonstrate that our scheme meets security requirements under the assumption that the zkSNARK is secure.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110753122
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系] 學位論文

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