题名: | 社群人際關係信任樣貌-以Instagram財經網紅與粉絲互動為例 Trust appearance of interpersonal relationship in social media - A case study of the interaction between financial influencers and fans on Instagram |
作者: | 楊庭歡 Yang, Ting-Huan |
贡献者: | 劉慧雯 Liu, Hui-Wen 楊庭歡 Yang, Ting-Huan |
关键词: | 財經網紅 可信度 擬社會互動 信任 自我揭露 Financial influencer Credibility Parasocial interaction Trust Self disclosure |
日期: | 2024 |
上传时间: | 2024-09-04 16:07:46 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 受新冠疫情影響,激起民眾的投資意識,一群匿名的財經網紅,在Instagram中分享理財資訊,並吸引許多粉絲追蹤。在社群媒體興盛的現今,以追蹤數量區分出不同級距的網紅類型,本研究所關注的匿名財經網紅即是追蹤數兩萬以下的微網紅或奈米網紅。既然投資理財本身具有風險,這群財經網紅為何能獲得粉絲青睞?本篇研究藉由透過可信度與擬社會互動的論述,結合微名人真實性的概念,探討財經網紅的追蹤者如何評估財經網紅的可信度,以及其信任行為的實踐是否受到擬社會互動影響而有所變化。
本篇研究運用深度訪談法輔以內容分析法進行資料搜集,發現:(1)以教學觀點為主要產出的財經資訊,且財經網紅不採用Instagram所設定好的文本特性產出理財資訊,但並不影響粉絲對其可信度的評估;(2)粉絲使用自身投資知識來判斷財經網紅可信度,以平行對等的目光與財經網紅進行理性的認知互動,而產生信任感的關鍵在於財經網紅揭露真實進場的訊息,給予信任回饋在於跟單和持續追蹤財經網紅;(3)失敗對帳單是粉絲體驗擬社會互動-參照涉入的關鍵感知,因股市投資失敗乃常態,因此財經網紅越是揭露接近「真實」投資樣貌的經驗分享,越能激發粉絲與其拉近距離感;(4)Instagram 演算法的媒介特性成為粉絲連結財經網紅的推力。以限時動態功能促使粉絲從社群進入通訊軟體LINE,與財經網紅發展更多的互動,然唯有實體見面才能多面向瞭解財經網紅和感知其個人特質,以朋友角度幫助雙方發展情感連結,保有長遠親近的人際關係與取得更深入的信任。反之雙方則處於微弱情感連結,隨時會消逝。 Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public’s awareness of investment was raised. A group of anonymous financial influencers shared information about wealth management on Instagram and attracted many fans to follow them. In the times of social media, influencers are separated into different groups according to their number of followers. The anonymous financial influencers related to this study are micro-influencers with 20,000 or fewer followers or nano-influencers. Since wealth management has its risks, why are these financial influencers able to attract fans? Through the discourse of credibility and parasocial interaction, combined with the concept of microcelebrity authenticity, this study focuses on how followers evaluate the credibility of the influencers they follow, and whether their practices of trust behavior are influenced by parasocial interaction. This study uses in-depth interviews combined with content analysis for data collection, and the findings are as follows: (1) Financial information is primarily produced from an educational perspective, and financial influencers do not adopt the predefined text properties of Instagram to produce wealth management content. However, these do not affect the evaluation of their credibility by fans; (2) Fans use their personal investment knowledge to judge the credibility of financial influencers, engaging in rational cognitive interactions with the influencers on a parallel and equal perspective. The key to creating trust lies in the real and market-based message disclosed by financial influencers, and the feedback of trust is provided by copy trading and consistently following the financial influencers; (3) Statements showing investment failures are fans’ experience of parasocial interaction. Referencing the involved key perceptions, since investment failures in the stock market are common, therefore the more financial influencers disclose experiences that are close to “real” investment situations, the more they can inspire their fans to feel closer to them; (4) The media characteristics of Instagram’s algorithm become a driving force for fans to connect with financial influencers. Instagram stories have encouraged fans on social media to use the communication app LINE, leading to more interactions with financial influencers. However, only in-person meetings allow fans to understand financial influencers from multiple perspectives, perceive their personal characteristics, and help to develop emotional bonds in terms of friendship. This helps to preserve a long-term and close interpersonal relationship, fostering deeper trust. Conversely, they have weak emotional bonds and these bonds may break at any time. |
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