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    Title: 以愛情主題為例之隱喻識別的搭配詞方法
    A Collocational Methodology for Metaphor Identification: A Case Study on the Love Topic
    Authors: 蔡宜庭
    Tsai, Yi-Ting
    Contributors: 張瑜芸
    Chang, Yu-Yun
    Tsai, Yi-Ting
    Keywords: 隱喻標記
    BERT 語言模型
    Metaphor annotation
    Metaphor identification
    Love topic
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:03:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隱喻在人類的認知系統中發揮根本上的作用,並影響人類的思維,使人們以隱喻的方式行事和交流;用於溝通的語言也因此成為探索人類認知的途徑。過往許多研究為觀察隱喻在概念系統中的運作,而致力於話語中的隱喻識別。但儘管系統性且可靠的隱喻識別步驟已被提出,在標記隱喻的過程中仍然面臨耗時費力的問題。不過,鑒於隱喻、關鍵字和搭配詞三者間的語意關聯,本研究利用關鍵字初步定位潛在的隱喻表達,並透過搭配詞以擴增隱喻表達列表。日常話語中所使用的隱喻是本篇研究的著力目標,且資料源於 PTT 論壇中與愛情主題相關的文章。透過對詞彙隱喻性的檢視,結果顯示搭配詞有助於隱喻的標記。再者,利用具備攫取上下文資訊的 BERT 語言模型以檢驗搭配詞擴增隱喻表達的效果,其間輔以關係階段理論的分析,從而通過概念和認知的角度評估 BERT 所識別出的隱喻表達。
    Metaphors operate fundamentally in human cognitive systems and influence human thinking, leading people to behave and communicate metaphorically. Language expressions thus serve as a conduit for the exploration of human cognition. Research has been conducted to identify metaphors in discourse so as to observe the operation of metaphors in conceptual systems. Although systematic and reliable metaphor identification protocols have been proposed, the time-consuming and labor-intensive difficulties still face metaphor annotation. However, given the semantic relation among metaphors, keywords, and collocations, the present study aims to locate potential metaphors in preliminary with keywords and expand the metaphorical expression list using collocations. Metaphors used in daily discourse are the objectives of this study. Therefore, data from the PTT forum concerning the love topic are selected as resources. Through the inspection of metaphoricity, the results indicate that collocations can assist in metaphor annotation. Furthermore, the BERT model which can capture contextual information is applied to examine the effectiveness of the expansion of the metaphorical expression list with collocations. With the assessment of the Relationship Stage Theory, the metaphors identified by BERT are explained by the perspectives involving concept and cognition.
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