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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 歷史學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153546
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    Title: 近代中國回民身份論述之變遷(1908-1941):兼論中國回教南洋訪問團之歷史意義
    Sino-Muslims’ Discourses on Identities in Modern China (1908-1941): with Discussion on Chinese Islamic South Sea Delegation’s Historical Significance
    Authors: 李烈寬
    Lee, Lie-Kuan
    Contributors: 楊瑞松
    Yang, Jui-Sung
    Lee, Lie-Kuan
    Keywords: 中國穆斯林
    Chinese Muslim
    Chinese Islamic Salvation Association
    The definition of Hui
    Chinese Islamic South Seas Delegation (CISSD)
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:01:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在探討晚清至民國時期,中國回民的國族與宗教認同論述,其中涉及他們的宗教信仰、民族身份與國家認同。本研究將以中國回教救國協會(回協)與中國回教南洋訪問團(1939-1941)為主要案例,利用官方檔案、報紙、回民雜誌、回協機關刊物、訪問團日記等史料進行論述分析,以回應前述問題。


    This thesis aims to explore Sino-Muslims’ discourses on national and religious identities from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republican era, focusing on their religious beliefs, ethnic and national identity. The study centers on two main cases: the Chinese Islamic Salvation Association (中國回教救國協會,簡稱「回協」) and the Chinese Islamic South Seas Delegation (CISSD, 中國回教南洋訪問團), which was sent by the former to rally support from Muslims in Malaya, Singapore and British Borneo during 1939-1941, through analyzing various historical materials, including official archives, newspapers, Muslim magazines, publications of the Association, CISSD’s diaries, and other historical sources.

    The thesis comprises three chapters apart from introduction and conclusion. Chapter 1 focus on two case studies, one is the Muslim Students Association in Japan (留東清真教育會) and its one and only publication, Muslim Awakening (《醒回篇》) during the late Qing period, and the other is the blasphemy cases occurred in Republican era. Through these cases, this chapter seek to illustrate and reconsider the formation of conceptual duality of religion and nation in Sino-Muslims’ identity.

    Built upon the basis of the previous chapter, Chapter 2 examines the collective anxiety within the Sino-Muslim community during the 1930s. I argue that the anxiety is of two parts, the internal one, that is the lack of effective organizational efforts to unite the whole Sino-Muslim community, and the external one, stemming from Japan's long-term “Islamic works”, followed by the more direct and impactful “Islamic policies” that intertwined with Japanese imperial ambition, and both are interrelated. Amidst the turmoil during late 1930s, the formation of the Chinese Islamic Salvation Association was perceived by some as the remedy for the abovementioned issues.

    Chapter 3 analyzes the discourses and activities of CISSD’s during its journey in Malaya, Singapore and British Borneo, at the same time responding the problematics raised at the beginning of the thesis. This chapter aims to portray the South Seas as a unique space where the Muslim ummah and China overlap, through which the delegation’s vision and perception of their national and religious identities were affected and reshaped.

    Overall, this thesis attempts to retell and reinterpret CISSD’s historical significance by recontextualizing it in the complexity of Sino-Muslim’s national and religious identities. Hopefully, this thesis can enrich our understanding of the history of the Chinese Islamic Salvation Association and CISSD. Furthermore, it may also provide another perspective on various fields of historical research, such as modern East Asian Islamic history, the history of Chinese Muslim communities, while reflecting on the limitations and problems inherent in nationalism in general.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109153018
    Data Type: thesis
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