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Title: | 西班牙和中國之間的「紅色橋梁」:國際反法西斯主義者的跨域聯結,1936年-1940年 A "Red Bridge"Between Spain and China: International Anti-Fascist Transnational Connections, 1936-1940 |
Authors: | 齊邦矞 Chi, Pang-Yu |
Contributors: | 倪墨杰 Jack Neubauer 齊邦矞 Chi, Pang-Yu |
Keywords: | 西班牙 中國 西班牙內戰 中日戰爭 反法西斯主義 跨域聯結 Spain China Spanish Civil War Sino-Japanese War Anti-fascism transnational connections |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 16:01:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文將分析二十世紀前葉,特別是1936年至1940年間的全球反法西斯主義浪潮,是如何透過「紅色橋梁」建構西班牙和中國兩國之間的跨域聯結,這種對特定地理的想像,在當時又是如何透過謝唯進與白求恩等國際反法西斯鬥士在西班牙內戰、中日戰爭的行動中被體現? 西班牙與中國之間無形的跨地域共鳴,與兩國在境遇上擁有大量相似巧合有一定關聯,換句話說,就是所謂的「共時性」。當時西、中兩國,皆須面對法西斯主義的侵略、國家內部左、右派鬥爭導致的政治風暴,以及列強的外部干預,兩國類似的國際處境,使國際反法西斯主義者分別將西班牙和中國視作抵禦法西斯主義侵略的「基地」。在反法西斯主義者的簇擁下,部分西班牙人與中國人開始浮現西班牙之於中國、中國之於西班牙的「跨域聯結」,將彼此視作亂世盟友的現象並不罕見,並且透過媒體渲染得到進一步加深,這種氛圍甚至一直持續到第二次世界大戰全面爆發之前。在這種氛圍下,西、中兩國的跨域聯結已能從第三方視角當中發現,這兩個看似毫不相干的戰爭——西班牙內戰和中日戰爭,最終演變成:國際媒體視作一體的被侵略國、左派共同聲援的反法西斯戰爭、文學家詩文詞賦歌頌的反法西斯聖地,以及本文「紅色橋梁」的根基。 本文試圖探究西班牙與中國之間的「跨域聯結」產生之歷史脈絡,並挖掘反法西斯主義者的歷史,嘗試以全球、跨地域的視角賦予反法西斯主義者新的歷史意義,使原本被邊緣化、被埋沒的歷史,能在全球反法西斯研究當中激起新的漣漪。 This thesis examines the global anti-fascist movement in the early 20th century, focusing in particular on how Spain and China became deeply interconnected sites within the imagined geography of global anti-fascism between 1936 and 1940. It further explores how this geographical imagination was embodied in the actions of anti-fascist fighters like Xie Weijin and Norman Bethune during the Spanish Civil War and the Second Sino-Japanese War.
The resonance between Spain and China arose from their synchronic experiences of facing fascist invasions, domestic political turmoil between left and right factions, and interference from major powers. These coincidences fostered a powerful geographical imagination among contemporaries, enhancing the perceived connection between Spain and China from third-party perspectives. This perception transformed two seemingly unrelated conflicts—the Spanish Civil War and the Second Sino-Japanese War—into a unified anti-fascist struggle, celebrated in leftist media and literature, forming the foundation of the "Red Bridge" concept explored in this thesis.
The study aims to uncover the historical context of the transnational connections between Spain and China and to reassign historical significance to anti-fascist fighters through a transnational lens. By doing so, it seeks to illuminate the marginalized and forgotten histories, thereby reshaping our understanding of global anti-fascist movements. |
Reference: | 史料
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 歷史學系 109153011 |
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