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    Title: 台灣白色恐怖官方紀念的形成與變遷(1999-2024)
    Official Commemoration of the White Terror in Taiwan (1999-2024): A Perspective from Cultural Sociology
    Authors: 王安棣
    Wang, An-Di
    Contributors: 汪宏倫
    Wang, Horng-Luen
    Wang, An-Di
    Keywords: 文化創傷
    Cultural trauma
    Collective memory
    Official memory
    White Terror
    Transitional justice
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:59:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣民主化以來,白色恐怖的歷史記憶已逐漸從民間倡議保存,進入官方積極承認和紀念的階段。然而,官方的例行紀念並未帶來記憶敘事的共識,官方的白色恐怖敘事至今仍然時常引起政治或社會上的爭論。為什麼儘管白色恐怖已受到官方例行性的紀念,有關這段集體記憶的爭論至今卻依然延續?政黨在其中扮演什麼樣的角色?白色恐怖作為一種創傷記憶,又是如何形塑著官方政策的走向?現有的白色恐怖再現研究,大多採取轉型學途徑或文化途徑,但無法有效解析形塑白色恐怖官方紀念的社會過程,以及其中牽涉的結構條件、記憶能動性和敘事框架的衝突。本文採用文化創傷與集體記憶理論,以敘事分析的方法,分析民主化後四任政府的官方致詞與紀念日選擇。本文的主要發現如下:首先,藍綠兩黨在執政時各自運用不同敘事框架:民進黨對白色恐怖的紀念敘事採用「後威權框架」(強調威權統治背景),而國民黨則是採用「後衝突框架」(強調國共內戰背景)。白色恐怖邁入官方例行性紀念的「初始條件」,正是這段歷史的詮釋權,成為藍綠兩黨在官方場域中象徵權力鬥爭的一環。兩黨在執政時採用各自的敘事框架,並壓抑對方的敘事框架,解釋了為何白色恐怖的意義之爭持續在官方場域發生。再來,白色恐怖作為一種官方記憶,在民主化後成為形塑和證成特定官方政策的「文化資源」。其中包括受到歷任政府持續提倡的人權政策,以及不同政黨執政時,政策方向不盡相同的兩岸關係政策。總結來說,以白色恐怖官方紀念為例,本文提供了一個理解台灣民主化後「記憶政治」的成因、內涵與後果的視角,而本文的研究發現,也期望補充現有轉型正義研究對歷史遺緒的認識。
    This article examines the meaning-making process of Taiwan's official commemorations of the White Terror. As a historical period overlapped with the Cold War, the Chinese Civil War, and authoritarian rule, the White Terror has become a past that all successive governments have attempted to overcome since Taiwan's democratization. Current literature on cultural trauma suggests that routinization accompanies consolidation of the meaning of traumatic events. However, disputes over the White Terror persist even after it has been commemorated by the officials regularly. Drawing from speeches and memorial day choices of the officials, this article analyzes the narrative frameworks on the White Terror employed by four ruling governments following Taiwan's democratization. It underlines the pivotal role of political parties as mnemonic agents. The main findings are twofold: (1) The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) approaches the White Terror through a "post-authoritarian" framework, seeing this historical period as a human rights-infringing dictatorship by the Kuomintang (KMT). In contrast, the KMT views this past through a "post-conflict" framework, considering it as part of the Chinese Civil War. ; (2) These two contested views, implemented alternately when either party is in power, serve as cultural resources shaping the government's perspective on contemporary issues, such as human rights and cross-strait relations. This article contributes to the research paradigm of transitional justice by demonstrating the multi-layered legacies of a violent past and providing a perspective from the politics of memory.
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