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Title: | 西方與俄國競逐下的烏克蘭外交與安全政策選擇:以國內政治與國際因素分析 Ukraine’s Foreign and Security Policy Choices Under the Competition Between the West and Russia: An Analysis of Domestic Politics and International Factors |
Authors: | 胡瀚雯 Hu, Han-Wen |
Contributors: | 林超琦 Lin, Chao-Chi 胡瀚雯 Hu, Han-Wen |
Keywords: | 烏克蘭 地緣政治 中小型國家 外交與安全政策 俄羅斯 Ukraine Geopolitics Middle-and-Small Powers Diplomatic and Security Policies Russia |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 15:58:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1991年蘇聯瓦解後,烏克蘭獨立為主權國家。在歷經幾次國內重大選舉後,烏克蘭的民主化過程逐漸深耕,並以總統為國家主要決策者,影響著國內政局與國家對外政策。21世紀以來,隨著歐盟、北約的崛起和俄羅斯大國地位的復興,歐盟、北約與俄羅斯的競爭關係日漸成形,位於兩強中間地帶的烏克蘭,由於擁有極其關鍵的地緣政治與戰略地位重要性,於政治、經濟、軍事等外交與安全政策上,亦無法避免被週遭兩強所影響。除了國際因素外,作為一個擁有民主選舉的主權國家,其國內政治情勢亦是影響其外交與安全政策的重要關鍵因素。
本文之研究主軸以烏克蘭雙首長制下的主要外交與安全政策決策者「總統」出發,以不同總統任期為區分觀察,去探討不同時期的外交與安全政策選擇與變化。首先關注烏克蘭的國際結構因素,繼而分析烏克蘭外部的兩大國際強權,如何透過不同的策略與手段,影響烏克蘭外交與安全政策的選擇。再從國內政治結構出發,探討烏克蘭國內的不同政治行為者,如何促使與導致外交與安全政策的決策結果。本文研究發現,為爭取國家最大利益及政權延續,總統於其任內會嘗試發展多元、自主的外交政策,以滿足最多選民的政策期待。然而,由於烏克蘭國際結構因素與國內政治結構的歐俄對抗局勢,總統被迫在國內外的歐俄對抗之下,進行外交與安全政策的親歐、親俄立場選擇。若是國際結構因素與國內政治結構的歐俄對抗局勢僅有其一存在,不論是哪個,總統都會選擇維持與前任相同的外交與安全政策立場,只有在國際結構因素與國內政治結構都呈現歐俄對抗的局勢時,才會促使總統在國內政治競爭的壓力下,採取與前任截然不同的外交與安全政策立場,並於其任內維持一致,最終導致了烏克蘭外交與安全政策在1999年至2014年總統任期間的常態性變動特色。 Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent and sovereign state. After going through several significant election campaigns, democratization has been continuing to take root in the country, with the president as the primary policy maker who plays an influential role in politics within the country and diplomacy to other countries. Following the 21st century, along with the rise of European Union and NATO as well as the revitalization of Russia as a great power, the competition between them began to take shape. Due to its critical geopolitical and strategic position, Ukraine, in the middle of the two powers, cannot avoid the impacts from both sides in terms of decision of the diplomatic and security policies, like politics, economy and military. In addition to international factors, as a sovereign country with democracy and elections, the political atmosphere within Ukraine is also a key to its diplomatic and security policies.
This study aims to start from the president of Ukraine, who is the primary diplomatic and security policy maker of this dual executive republic. By observing the tenure of each president throughout the years to explore the choices and changes of diplomatic and security policies in different periods. Firstly, looked into the international structural factors of Ukraine in order to analyze how the two great powers outside of Ukraine have affected its choices of the diplomatic and security policies with different strategy and method. Then, from its political structure, discussed how the different political behaviors within Ukraine have prompted to the results of those choices. The study found that, in order to earn the maximum interest for the nation as well as the stability of their political power, the presidents would try to develop diplomatic policies with diversity and autonomy, thereby satisfying expectations of the majority of voters. However, in the situation where competition between Europe and Russia affects Ukraine’s international structural factors and national political structure, the presidents are forced to choose a side in terms of diplomatic and security policies. If only one, either international structural factors or national political structure, exists in this situation, the presidents often tend to remain the same stance as the previous one had. It's only when contradictions of Europe and Russia are present in both international structural factors and national political structure, the presidents of Ukraine would choose a huge different stance from that of the previous one with the pressure of internal competition, and maintain the stance during his term in office. As a result, could see a regularly changing of diplomatic and security policies of Ukraine in different presidential terms from 1999 to 2014. |
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