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Title: | 台灣的能源轉型:檢視再生能源對國家安全和能源自主的影響 Taiwan’s Energy Transition: Examining the Impact of Renewable Energy on National Security and Energy Independence |
Authors: | 張嘉宏 Chang, Chia-Hung |
Contributors: | 李佳怡 Lee, Chia-yi 張嘉宏 Chang, Chia-Hung |
Keywords: | 台灣 再生能源 能源轉型 國家安全 能源自主 Taiwan Renewable Energy Energy Transition National Security Energy Independence |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 15:54:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文探討台灣能源轉型的過程,並分析再生能源對國家安全和能源自主之影響。台灣傳統上依賴進口化石燃料,現在面臨全球永續發展趨勢所帶來的獨特挑戰和機遇。從民國98年的《再生能源發展條例》到民國111年的《臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略》展示了台灣在減少碳排放量和提高能源自主與國家安全方面的決心。 本研究採用質性研究和SWOT分析,確定能源來源的多樣化,特別是通過實施太陽光電和風能,能減少對進口的依賴,從而增強能源安全。台灣的科技實力和工業能力在推動再生能源基礎設施方面發揮了重要作用。然而,能源間歇性、依賴外國技術以及傳統行業轉型的需求等問題仍然存在。 本研究提倡實施強有力的政策框架、財政誘因和對能源基礎設施的投資,以確保平穩和有效的轉型。一個公平公正的轉型,專門解決社會經濟不平等問題,並包含全面的培訓計劃至關重要。此研究強調再生能源在降低地緣政治風險、促進經濟增長和推動環境永續發展方面的關鍵作用,而台灣積極地採用再生能源,不僅增強了國家安全和能源自主能力,也為全球氣候目標做出了重要貢獻。 This thesis investigates the process of Taiwan’s transition towards renewable energy and analyzes its effects on national security and the country’s ability to meet its own energy needs. Taiwan, which has traditionally depended on imported fossil fuels, is now confronted with distinct difficulties and possibilities due to global sustainability trends. The “Renewable Energy Development Act” of 2009 and “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050” demonstrate Taiwan’s dedication to decreasing carbon emissions and improving energy security. The study utilizes qualitative research and SWOT analysis to show that the diversification of energy sources, specifically through the implementation of solar PV and wind power, leads to a reduction in import dependence and thus enhances energy security. Taiwan’s scientific prowess and industrial proficiency play a crucial role in the advancement of renewable infrastructure. Nevertheless, there are ongoing issues related to the intermittent nature of renewable energy, dependence on foreign technologies, and the need to shift old sectors. This study advocates for the implementation of strong policy frameworks, financial incentives, and investment in energy infrastructure to guarantee a smooth and effective transition. It is crucial to have a fair and just transition that specifically addresses socio-economic inequalities and includes comprehensive retraining programs. The research highlights the crucial significance of renewable energy in reducing geopolitical risks, stimulating economic growth, and advancing environmental sustainability. Taiwan’s aggressive embrace of renewable energy enhances national security and energy autonomy while also making a significant contribution to global climate objectives. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際研究英語碩士學位學程(IMPIS) 111862008 |
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