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    题名: 中國「一帶一路」在歐洲巴爾幹半島國家的政治影響力分析
    The Political Influence of China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Balkans
    作者: 鄭庭薇
    贡献者: 薛健吾
    Hsueh, Chien-Wu
    关键词: 巴爾幹半島
    The Balkans
    Belt and Road Initiative
    China Influence
    Balance or Bandwagon
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-09-04 15:54:06 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文以巴爾幹半島歐盟候選國家:塞爾維亞、蒙特內哥羅、波赫、阿爾巴尼 亞和北馬其頓等 5 國作為研究對象,探討中國經濟資源投入是否影響歐盟候選國 與歐盟之間關係。藉由個案討論,本文發現申請入盟的巴爾幹國家在不同程度的 中國投資下,當該國跟歐盟關係比較融洽時,該國在中國「一帶一路」倡議下的 投資紅利轉換為中國政治影響力的情況比較不明顯;相反的,當該國與歐盟關係 存在衝突時,中國對該國的投資影響以及所轉換的政治影響力就比較明確。當該 國無法從原本的強權(歐盟)獲得足夠資源的話,則有可能靠近另一個大國(中 國)以爭取更多的資源,並且本文發現與歐盟關係較融洽的國家經濟交往仍以歐 盟為主,中國影響力有限;然而,與歐盟關係不這麼融洽的國家,可能會引入中 國的經濟資源以平衡歐盟對該國的壓力,連帶地中國影響力也會增加。
    This paper focuses on the EU candidate countries in the Balkans: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and North Macedonia. These countries exhibit varying degrees of economic engagement with China. Through case studies, this paper analyzes the relationships between these Balkan countries, the EU, and China, in the context of China’s differing levels of investment. The paper posits that when a country maintains a harmonious relationship with the EU, the political influence of China’s Belt and Road Initiative investments is less evident. Conversely, when there is conflict in the relationship with the EU, China’s investment and resulting political influence become more pronounced. If a country cannot secure sufficient resources from the EU, it may turn to China for additional resources. The study finds that countries with better relationships with the EU predominantly engage economically with the EU, limiting China’s influence. However, countries with less favorable relationships with the EU tend to attract Chinese economic resources to counterbalance EU pressures, thereby increasing China’s influence.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108922017
    数据类型: thesis
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