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    Title: 探索高等教育與創業教育在城市創業生態系統中的交互作用
    Exploring the Interaction between Higher Education and Entrepreneurial Education in City Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
    Authors: 謝名瑋
    Hsieh, Ming-Wei
    Contributors: 何乾瑋
    Ho, Chien-Wei
    Hsieh, Ming-Wei
    Keywords: 地方創業生態系
    Regional entrepreneurial ecosystem
    Entrepreneurial education,
    University knowledge spillover
    Higher education
    Entrepreneurial performance
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:29:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著創業風氣在世界各地的興盛,區域創業生態系也因此陸續成形,進而帶動探究不同因素對地方創業生態系影響的相關研究議題。在創業生態系研究領域中,高等教育內的創業教育已經快速發展為全球性的趨勢,並吸引創業研究人員檢視其如何影響創業活動。因此,本研究探討高等教育及創業教育如何影響區域創業生態系的創業成效。利用StartupBlink全球新創生態系指數資料,並採用創業知識外溢理論,本研究發現大學知識外溢會對城市創業生態系的新創數量產生正面影響,但高等創業教育會削弱其影響,而基礎教育創業教育則會帶來加強的效果。本研究的結論為創業政策制定提供了洞見,以設計更完善的創業教育制度及衡量方法,從而最大化對創業生態系統的影響。
    As the entrepreneurial spirit flourishes around the world, regional entrepreneurial ecosystems are gradually shaped, prompting research to investigate the impact of various factors on local ecosystems. In the field of entrepreneurial ecosystem research, entrepreneurial education within higher education has quickly become a global trend, attracting researchers to examine its influence on entrepreneurial activities. This study explores how the interaction of higher education and entrepreneurial education affect the entrepreneurial effectiveness of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems.
    Using the StartupBlink’s Global Startup Ecosystem Index from 2021 to 2023 and applying the theory of entrepreneurial knowledge spillover, this study found that university knowledge spillover positively impacts the number of startups in a city's entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, post-school entrepreneurial education weakens this effect, while basic-school entrepreneurial education alleviates the moderating effect of post-school entrepreneurial education.
    The conclusions of this study provide policymakers insights to design more comprehensive entrepreneurial education systems and measurement methods, thereby maximizing the impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111351028
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