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    Title: 我國新創醫療器材從事跨國貿易之挑戰與策略──以普瑞博公司發展歐盟市場為例
    Challenges and Strategies for Cross-Border Trade of Medical Devices Startups in Taiwan: PuriBlood’s Development of the EU Market as an Example
    Authors: 葉瓊蔓
    Yeh, Chiung-Man
    Contributors: 楊培侃
    Yang, Pei-Kan
    Yeh, Chiung-Man
    Keywords: 醫療器材
    Medical devices
    Medical Device Regulation
    Digital trade
    Market strategy
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:28:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣醫療器材產業近年來蓬勃發展,其中新創醫療器材領域尤為突出,成為最具創新性和發展潛力的板塊。隨著科技快速進步和全球人口加速老齡化,市場對高品質、個人化醫療器材的需求持續攀升。然而,新創公司在面對跨國貿易時,常常遭遇諸多挑戰和障礙。本論文以台灣新創醫療器材公司普瑞博為例,深入探討其在歐盟市場發展過程中所面臨的挑戰,以及為應對這些挑戰所採取的策略,並在此基礎上提供具有實務價值的建議。
    Medical device industry in Taiwan has been booming in recent years, with the Medical Devices Startups sector emerging as a particularly innovative and promising segment. As technology advances rapidly and global population aging accelerates, the demand for high-quality, personalized medical devices continues to rise. However, startups often encounter numerous challenges and barriers when engaging in international trade. This thesis takes PuriBlood, a medical device startup in Taiwan, as an example to explore the challenges faced in developing the EU market, as well as the strategies adopted to address these challenges, and on this basis provides recommendations with practical value.
    The research adopted diversified methodologies, including literature review, government document analysis, company interviews, and an in-depth examination of PuriBlood's 2022 annual report. Through these methods, this thesis aims to present a comprehensive and systematic view of the actual situation faced by medical device startups in international market expansion, and provide robust support for related research and practice.
    Medical device startup has distinctive characteristics including high product innovation, small company size and limited resources, short product lifecycles, flexible operational models, high risks and competitive pressures, and a focus on niche markets. These characteristics distinguish it from traditional industries, emphasizing innovation and technology integration while facing greater risks and competitive pressures. The main challenges include complex regulatory requirements, market entry barriers, digital transformation needs, data security and privacy protection, intense international market competition, and cultural differences. In this context, continuous innovation and intellectual property protection become crucial for the survival and development of startups.
    Global demand for medical devices continues to grow, especially in precision medicine and personalized treatment. Even under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the market still achieved 6% growth, demonstrating strong resilience and potential. China, as the world's third-largest medical device market, shows enormous potential and rapid growth. Meanwhile, emerging markets such as Eastern Europe and Latin America also exhibit rapid growth trends, offering new opportunities for startups. The European market's demand for high-quality medical devices is particularly prominent, making it an important choice for startups' internationalization.
    Medical device startup industry in Taiwan has shown rapid development trends in technological innovation and industrial integration, especially in biomedical, information and communication technology, and mechanical manufacturing fields. In 2022, market value of Taiwan's medical device industry reached NT$261.547 billion, with the number of startups and investment scale increasing annually. Government support programs have played a crucial role in the growth of startups, providing a series of relevant support and policy guidance, creating a favorable environment for industry development.
    Europe, as the second-largest medical device market globally, accounting for 26.4% of the global market share, is highly attractive to medical device startups in Taiwan. However, the implementation of the EU Medical Device Regulation in 2021 significantly raised market entry thresholds, requiring stricter safety and quality standards. Nevertheless, successful entry into the EU market can bring significant returns for companies, including enhanced product competitiveness, increased market trust, and improved international reputation.
    This thesis focuses on PuriBlood, a startup specializing in blood purification and cell separation medical devices, currently in a rapid expansion phase. Its core advantages include proprietary blood purification technology and a strategic partnership with the University of Washington. The company is actively expanding internationally, currently focusing on the US and Southeast Asian markets while also actively developing the EU market. However, medical device startups face many challenges entering the EU market, including complex regulatory requirements, insufficient notified body capacity, and increased clinical evaluation requirements. The implementation of Medical Device Regulation has further increased compliance difficulties and costs.
    Facing these challenges, PuriBlood has adopted four core strategies: establishing a comprehensive quality management system to ensure products meet EU strict quality and safety standards; conducting in-depth market demand analysis to develop and adjust products for the EU market's characteristics and needs; utilizing digital platforms for marketing to increase brand awareness and market penetration; and continuously increasing investment in technology research and development to maintain product innovation and competitiveness. Through the implementation of these strategies, PuriBlood has gained a certain market share and competitive advantage in the EU market.
    In addition to these core strategies, PuriBlood also pays particular attention to legal compliance, risk management, and digital trade technology application. In terms of legal compliance, the company works closely with local regulatory experts to ensure compliance with EU requirements at every stage of product design, development, manufacturing, and sales. Regarding risk management, the company has established a comprehensive risk assessment and management system covering market, regulatory, technological, and operational risks to enhance the company's risk resistance and market competitiveness. In digital trade technology application, PuriBlood actively utilizes e-commerce platforms, data analysis, blockchain technology, etc., to improve market information transparency, reduce transaction costs, accelerate market response speed, thereby optimizing business processes and improving efficiency.
    Based on the in-depth study of PuriBlood's case, this thesis proposes the following recommendations: First, the EU should be effectively adjusted as soon as possible to balance market entry requirements and innovation incentives; Second, medical device startups in Taiwan should strengthen regulatory compliance and risk management systems, and continuously monitor changes in the EU market to adjust strategies timely; Third, Taiwan government should provide more policy support, such as setting up specialized guidance institutions, providing regulatory consulting services, organizing international exchange activities, etc., to help startups overcome international trade barriers and promote industry development.
    In conclusion, this thesis attempts to explore some of the challenges and opportunities faced by Taiwanese medical device startups in international trade through the analysis of PuriBlood's case, and proposes several strategic recommendations. As the industry develops, it is hoped that more medical device startups from our country will be able to successfully enter international markets, and also successfully enter the EU market in response to the situation in EU.
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