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    Title: 台灣情境下的淨零轉型現象探討:信念、外觀經濟與裙帶資本主義
    The Study of Net-Zero Transition Phenomena in the Taiwanese Context: Doxas, Economy of Appearances, and Crony Capitalism
    Authors: 張純芳
    Chang, Chun-Fang
    Contributors: 李栢浡
    Lee, Pai Po
    Chang, Chun-Fang
    Keywords: 淨零轉型
    Net-Zero Transition
    Economy of Appearances
    Crony Capitalism
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:20:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討由環境與淨零變革壓力所引發的三個關鍵現象,即為“人類信念”和“自然信念”的革命、“外觀經濟”與“裙帶資本主義”等與淨零轉型之相關現象,並分析這些現象對台灣淨零及能源政策制定的影響。受到簡(2022)多尺度網絡框架的啟發,本研究提出了一個金字塔式的層級結構,深入剖析台灣淨零轉型所面臨的問題和挑戰,以闡述不同層次分析中重要變量的影響。
    This study aims to investigate three critical phenomena emerging from environmental and net-zero transformation pressures: "Revolution in Human Doxas and Nature’s Doxa," "Economy of Appearances," and "Crony Capitalism," and their relevance to the net-zero transition. The research evaluates how these phenomena influence Taiwan's net-zero and energy policy formulation. Drawing inspiration from Chien's (2022) multi-scalar network framework, this study introduces a hierarchical pyramid structure to analyze the challenges and issues associated with Taiwan's net-zero transition, highlighting the effects of key variables across various analytical levels.
    The hierarchical structure of this study is organized into three levels: international, national, and local. At the international level, the research demonstrates how environmental pressures have led developed countries to implement authoritative “Orthodox”measures, as well as revealing variations in net-zero transition strategies across different nations. At the national level, the study evaluates the design of Taiwan's net-zero transition pathway to ensure it is scientifically based, and reveals potential "Economy of Appearances" phenomenon in policy formulation. At the local level, the study analyzes the development of Taiwan's green energy market and its potential “Crony Capitalism” structures, with a focus on their impact on domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and communities.
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