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Title: | 孤狼恐怖主義研究:比較我國重大人為危安事件與國外個案 A study of lone wolf terrorism:Comparing significant security incidents in Taiwan and foreign lone wolf terrorist attacks cases |
Authors: | 黃名疆 Huang, Ming-Jiang |
Contributors: | 李佳怡 Lee, Chia-yi 黃名疆 Huang, Ming-Jiang |
Keywords: | 孤狼恐怖主義 自我激進化 重大人為危安事件 本土(極右翼)恐怖主義 伊斯蘭恐怖主義 網路恐怖主義 Lone wolf terrorism Self-radicalization Significant security incidents Domestic (far-right) terrorism Islamic terrorism Cyberterrorism |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 15:16:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以探討學者對於孤狼恐怖主義之定義及類型為出發點,並分析2020年以來歐盟、英國及美國的恐怖主義趨勢及現況,同時評估歐盟、英國及美國的反恐政策分析及成效,藉此檢視當前孤狼恐怖主義的趨勢對於歐盟、英國及美國所造成的影響。在後伊斯蘭國時代,伊斯蘭恐怖主義仍是全球關注的焦點,然而根據歐盟執法合作署、經濟與和平研究所及美國國務院的官方報告指出,政治(極右翼)意識型態的恐怖主義已在歐美等地形成燎原之勢,而過去歐盟的難民政策與其所帶來的治安動盪,更是加速的整個歐盟地區的右傾趨勢,而美國則因為經濟衰退、失業率增加所帶來的社會不安造成了種族與族群間的對立。 本論文以歐盟、英國及美國近年的孤狼恐怖攻擊案例分析這三起案件各自的攻擊手法、動機目的與事後對社會所造成的影響,來作為後續對比我國重大人為危安事件的基準。本論文發現,雖然當前我國仍未對恐怖主義有任何的官方定義,但綜觀過去發生過的重大人為危安事件,無論是在「攻擊動機與目的」、「攻擊地點與目標」及「事後對社會之影響」等三個層面來看,皆以外國之孤狼恐怖主義攻擊有其相似之處;此外,在研究案例如何激進化部分,發現孤狼恐怖份子大都使用過網路或社群媒體發表極端主義相關的文章或訊息,並且在網路上與其他孤狼恐怖份子進行交流及分享心得,這也反映出現今各國政府對於網路資訊管理的漏洞及缺失,使網路形成極端主義培養壯大的溫床。 This thesis explores scholars' definitions and typologies of lone wolf terrorism and analyzes the trends and current state of terrorism in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US) since 2020. It also evaluates the counter-terrorism policies and their effectiveness in these regions to examine the impact of current lone wolf terrorism trends on the EU, UK, and US. In the post-ISIS era, Islamic terrorism remains a global focus. However, according to official reports from Europol, the Institute for Economics and Peace, and the US Department of State, politically motivated (far-right) terrorism has surged across Europe and America. The EU's past refugee policies and the resulting social instability have accelerated a rightward shift across the region, while in the US, economic recession and rising unemployment have led to social unrest and racial and ethnic tensions. This thesis analyzes recent lone wolf terrorist attack cases in the EU, UK, and US, examining each case's methods, motivations, and societal impact to establish a baseline for comparing significant security incidents in Taiwan. The study finds that although Taiwan has yet to officially define terrorism, past major security incidents in Taiwan show similarities to foreign lone wolf terrorist attacks in terms of "attack motivations and objectives," "attack locations and targets," and "post-attack social impact." Additionally, in examining the radicalization of these cases, it is found that most lone wolf terrorists have used the internet or social media to post extremist-related articles or messages and have interacted with other lone wolf terrorists online, sharing insights and experiences. This reflects the current shortcomings in governments' management of online information, making the internet a breeding ground for the growth of extremism. |
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