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    Title: 從新管理主義探討校長領導特質與行為—一位國小校長之個案研究
    Exploring Principal Leadership Traits and Behaviors Through New Managerialism: A Case Study of an Elementary School Principal
    Authors: 徐希汶
    Tsui, Hei Man
    Contributors: 陳榮政
    Chen, Robin Jung-Cheng
    Tsui, Hei Man
    Keywords: 新管理主義
    principal leadership
    leadership traits
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:09:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在探討一位國小校長的領導特質,並從新管理主義的角度進行分析。研究聚焦於該校長如何在新管理主義的框架下運用其領導特質來應對學校內外的挑戰與機遇。研究採用個案研究法,通過近身觀察和半結構式訪談收集資料,並使用質性研究分析軟體ATLAS.ti進行資料編碼與分析。
    This thesis aims to explore the leadership traits of an elementary school principal and analyze them from the perspective of New-managerialism. The study focuses on how the principal utilizes their leadership traits within the framework of New-managerialism to address challenges and opportunities both inside and outside the school. Employing a case study methodology, data were collected through close observation and semi-structured interviews, and analyzed using the qualitative research software ATLAS.ti.
    The research findings indicate that the principal demonstrated leadership abilities in areas such as school aesthetics, teacher development, and student learning. The principal employed New-managerialism strategies, including performance evaluation, customer orientation, resource sharing, and policy innovation, to promote overall school development. Additionally, leadership traits such as empathy, observational skills, and communication abilities played a crucial role in the implementation of New-managerialism practices.
    This study provides an in-depth understanding of the principal's leadership traits within the context of New-managerialism and offers specific recommendations for the field of educational leadership and management. These insights can serve as a reference for other schools implementing New-managerialism. The study also aims to inspire further empirical research on educational leadership and management, enriching the theory and practice in this field.
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