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    Title: 公立國民小學新管理主義校務治理指標與權重體系建構之研究
    Constructing the Indicators and Weight System of New Managerialism on Elementary School Governance
    Authors: 連育瑩
    Lien, Yu-Ying
    Contributors: 陳榮政
    Lien, Yu-Ying
    Keywords: 新管理主義校務治理
    New Managerialism on school governance
    Fuzzy theory
    Fuzzy Delphi method
    Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:08:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在應用模糊理論之模糊德懷術與模糊層級分析法,建構公立國民小學新管理主義校務治理指標與權重體系。為編製具信效度與代表性的指標,先經文件分析法,逐層釐清概念內涵、理論與原理原則;再循PRISMA 2020檢索流程進行系統性文獻回顧,將658篇研究納入文獻計量分析,以VOSviewer軟體匯出可視化知識圖譜,成為指標建構書目指引。進一步按前述探討的知識結構,完成高層、基層與低層指標初構,作為三階段問卷調查的先備基礎。

    第一階段專家問卷調查,確保指標具良好內容效度,能測得新管理主義校務治理構念特質。第二階段模糊德懷術問卷調查,函請12名領域權威學者、校務治理者與教育行政機關人員審評;統整各指標三角模糊數輸入至Fuzzy Delphi 1.0授權軟體運算,並使用Lin等人(2020) α-截集決斷規準篩選出共識性指標。第三階段相對權重問卷調查,將評比結果登錄Expert Choice 11.5軟體檢定一致性,續由Microsoft Excel 2021 Mac版試算表計算權重值,以建構本指標權重體系。


    四、低層指標,節錄隸屬六個次構面權重最大者 :

    The research applied the Fuzzy theory of Fuzzy Delphi method and Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method to construct the indicators and weight system of New Managerialism on elementary school governance. To develop reliability, validity, and representative indicators, that adopted the document analysis and defined clearly the concepts, dimensions, theories, and generalizations level by level. Then, it followed PRISMA 2020 flow diagrams to carry on a systematic review and included 658 literature to use Vosviewer software by bibliometrics that exported the knowledge mapping of New Managerialism on elementary school governance to be the guideline of indicators. Further, it’s based on the knowledge structure as aforementioned to construct the superordinate, basic level, and subordinate indicators preliminarily as a basis for questionnaires of three stages.

    The expert questionnaire of the first stage to ensure the content validity about measuring the construct of New Managerialism on elementary school governance. The Fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire of the second stage invited twelve scholars, principals, and education administration authority staff to rate the indicators and calculate the triangular fuzzy number into Fuzzy Delphi 1.0 software for statistical treatment and then screened the indicators of consensus by α-cuts level of Lin et al. (2020). The relative weight questionnaire of the third stage to input data to Expert Choice 11.5 software to check the consistence index, and calculate a relative weight by Microsoft Excel 2021 Mac spreadsheets and data analysis to construct the indicators and weight system of New Managerialism on elementary school governance.

    According to the findings of the investigation and statistical analysis, to conclude as follows:

    1.The indicators of New Managerialism on elementary school governance are three stages, which include two dimensions of superordinate, six sub-dimensions of basic level, and thirty-five indicators of subordinate.
    2.The dimension of superordinate about the ranking of relative weight are accountability(70.04%), and flatting network(29.96%).
    3.The sub-dimension of the basic level that is affiliated to two dimensions about the ranking of relative weight as below:
    (1)Accountability: effectiveness and efficiency of steering(52.23%), faculty work accountability and responsibility(27.80%), competition of inter-school and intra-school(19.96%).
    (2)Flatting network: delegation and autonomy(53.79%), horizontal participation and collaboration(30.30%), flexibility and transparency(15.91%).
    4. The indicators of the subordinate that are affiliated to six sub-dimensions about the top ranking of relative weight as below:
    (1)Effectiveness and efficiency of steering: School governing body could put vision into practice(34.91%).
    (2)Faculty work accountability and responsibility: School quality assurance mechanism could audit “performance-goal” regularly(32.97%).
    (3)Competition of inter-school and intra-school: School governing body could ensure improvement of the basic competence for all students(38.47%).
    (4)Delegation and autonomy: Principal could accept professional advice of internal stakeholders(faculty and students)(24.69%).
    (5)Horizontal participation and collaboration: Principal could expand participants for decision-making of school development planning(28.15%).
    (6)Flexibility and transparency: School administrative actions could follow the democratic process(31.19%).

    Finally, based on the research results, provides suggestions for principal, education administration authority, and future research.
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