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    Title: 歡迎收看資本競合遊戲:從Twitch運動直播聊天室看實況主與觀眾的權力鬥爭
    Welcome to the Game of Capital Competition: The Power Struggle between Broadcaster and Audience in the Field of Twitch Sports Broadcast Chatroom
    Authors: 廖煥喆
    Liao, Huan-Che
    Contributors: 劉昌德
    Liao, Huan-Che
    Keywords: 場域理論
    Field Theory
    Sports Broadcast Chatroom
    Critical Discourse Analysis
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:05:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   社群影音平台的崛起已然成為世界趨勢,而在台灣更是將其應用於各式運動項目的即時轉播中。透過多樣化的平台功能、優良的收視品質以及聊天室的實時互動,僅需單一視窗便能使球迷實現更高能動性的觀賽體驗,其中又以中華職棒各隊在Twitch平台上的轉播服務發展最為成熟。從直播聊天室相關文獻來看,迷群作為主動閱聽人的特質普遍被提及,但這樣的說法不僅忽略了中介傳播下、迷群接收轉播方內容的被動特性,也與筆者對運動直播聊天室的觀察不盡符合。因此,本研究選擇應用Bourdieu的場域理論為基礎,試圖在肯認球迷能動性之前先行提出結構的存在及其重要性。方法上則以Fairclough的批判論述分析與場域理論結合,爬梳2023年10月、5場特色賽事的聊天室文本進行文句與圖像的綜合分析,從中挖掘轉播方和球迷在場域中各自的習癖、動用資本與秀異行為。其次,本研究亦對12名球迷和2名轉播方「小編」進行個別深度訪談,整理出場域內的總體運作邏輯,以及不同行動者如何定位彼此的權力位置,並進一步觀察更大結構性力量的宰制。
    The rise of social media platforms has become a global trend, particularly in Taiwan. Notably, Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League teams have developed particularly mature broadcasting services on platforms like Twitch. Existing literature on live streaming chat rooms often portrays fans as active audiences; however, this perspective overlooks the passive reception of broadcast content under mediated communication and does not fully align with the observations of sports live chat rooms.
    This study employs Bourdieu's field theory as a framework to establish the existence and importance of structure before recognizing fan agency. Methodologically, it combines Fairclough's CDA with field theory to conduct comprehensive analyses of chat room texts and images from five featured games in October 2023. The study explores the habitus, capital mobilization, and distinctive behaviors of broadcasters and fans within the field. Additionally, in-depth interviews with 12 fans and 2 "social media managers" from broadcast networks were conducted to elucidate the operational logic within the field, how different actors position themselves in relation to each other's power, and to observe the dominance of larger structural power.
    The findings reveal that broadcasters possess inherent symbolic capital, utilizing pronouns and invoking fan habitus to effectively manage top-down interactions. There is a consensus among actors regarding the legitimate boundaries of capital mobilization towards broadcasters. Fans often mobilize cultural and economic capital, influenced by symbolic capital in varying contexts. Social capital mobilization are relatively rare but can provide legitimacy for broadcasters' use of symbolic capital. The capital logic within field operations is represented by the formula " symbolic capital > cultural capital > economic capital > social capital," while greater structural power subtly yet significantly shaping actor behaviors. Through this analysis, sports live chat rooms can vividly present themselves in a more dynamic manner.
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